Getting close to as close as Boston got to totality
By adamg - 4/8/24 - 4:11 pm

The eclipse over Roslindale around 3.08 p.m. (so about 21 minutes from as close as we got to totality). Read more.

Cover of Darkness at Noon, about a solar eclipse in 1806
By adamg - 4/8/24 - 11:26 am

Seems Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee declared a state of emergency in advance of today's eclipse - and it runs through Wednesday, because who knows what demons the eclipse will unleash, no doubt with claps of thunder and the fiery odor of brimstone? Read more.

Traffic on I-93 in New Hampshire
By adamg - 4/7/24 - 1:20 pm

Rob Adams reports northbound traffic on I-93 in New Hampshire earlier today was not too bad until he hit Concord and then, blammo.

Partially eclipsed sun over Chelsea City Hall
By adamg - 10/14/23 - 10:25 pm

Even aside from the fact we were not in prime viewing territory for today's eclipse, it was kind of cloudy/hazy today, but Matt Frank was still able to get some shots with special darkening filters near Chelsea City Hall. Read more.

Morning eclipse, with jet
By adamg - 6/10/21 - 9:31 am

Adam Balsam was among the many people who got up early to get a good view of the eclipse, which in his case meant a trip to Wollaston Beach. At first, it was disappointing, because clouds obscured the show as the sun broke above the horizon, but once the sun rose high enough, the show was on. Read more.

101 Arch St. during the eclipse
By adamg - 8/21/17 - 4:48 pm

KLB noticed the eclipse reflected on 101 Arch St. downtown today.

Eclipse over Allston
By adamg - 8/21/17 - 2:09 pm

Bob posted this photo of the eclipse over Allston, shortly after 2 p.m.

Meanwhile, over at MIT: Read more.