Across Boston, disgusted residents are filing 311 complaints about sidewalks that are still unwalkable nearly a week after the snowstorm, such as this one about the conditions on Neptune Road in East Boston.
The Zoning Board of Appeal yesterday approved a proposed marijuana shop at 4 Neptune Rd. in East Boston - but without what appeared to be a takeout window shown on the submitted plans. Read more.
Massport has agreed to pay for the operation of a new senior center in East Boston and a 4.5-acre expansion of Piers Park as recompense for its never ending expansion at Logan Airport, the authority and Mayor Walsh's office announced today. Read more.
Storrow Drive is where the little trucks go to die, but Neptune Road and Bennington Street in East Boston is where the big rigs end their lives - and tie up traffic for miles around. Shane Dunn shows us one of the two trucks stuck at the Rte. 1A overpass this morning.