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Lake Street

By adamg - 7/19/24 - 2:14 pm
Rendering of proposed BC archive building

Rendering by Shepley Bulfinch.

Boston College has filed plans with the Boston Planning Department to build a three-story, roughly 45,000-square-foot building to store collections of religious stuff "as well as limited artwork and cultural artifacts" on a hillside between its Theology and Ministry Library and its St. John's Seminary property off Lake Street in Brighton. Read more.

By adamg - 2/28/23 - 11:14 am
Lake Street house

The house.

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved a proposal by the Common Room to convert a house at 40 Lake St. in Brighton to a place where high-functioning people on the autism spectrum who have graduated high school can gather in small groups for social and learning activities. Read more.

By adamg - 1/20/22 - 9:15 pm

The Heights reports a broken water main at Comm. Ave. and Lake Street disrupted traffic and the Green Line and forced businesses at the B Line terminal to shut down after water flooded their basement.

By adamg - 8/19/21 - 8:39 pm
Firefighters respond to Lake Street

Shortly before 5 p.m., DB Reiff urged motorists to avoid Lake Street in Brighton on account of how several manholes along the street caught fire around the same time. Utility crews had been working in the area, she reports.

By adamg - 11/15/18 - 11:11 pm
Firetruck into pole in Brighton

Jared McNabb reports Lake Street in Brighton turned into a skating rink shortly before 10 p.m. One BFD crew responding to help itself had to radio for help after sliding into a pole. Read more.

By adamg - 10/21/18 - 10:52 pm

The Brighton Allston Improvement Association report a coyote was spotted this evening at the EF property on Lake Street. It provides some tips on "hazing" coyotes that do not involve maneuvering their TNT-filled cabins onto railroad tracks, including:

Shake or throw a “coyote shaker” - a soda can filled with pennies or pebbles and sealed with duct tape.

By adamg - 12/10/17 - 9:29 am
Smoking Lake Street manhole

KMV shows us one of the three manholes on Lake Street that burst into flames shortly before 8 a.m.

UPDATE: Greater Boston Radio reports inspectors cleared the three manholes and ordered the power back on - and three manholes one street over promptly blew up.

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