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Rudy Seanez

By adamg - 8/19/06 - 10:21 pm

At least, for the two remaining games in the current series. It's so bad Ben Ostrander doesn't even want to go downtown because:

Taking the D Line takes me too close to Fenway for comfort. ...

Nothing would surprise Red anymore:

By adamg - 8/15/06 - 9:21 am

The Couch Potato: I am disgusted with [Beckett] because a pitcher with his talent has no business sucking this bad:

... Perhaps the Sox should start fining Beckett for every trip to the mound his catcher has to make to "get on the same page" with him. If Beckett thinks he can call a better game than his veteran catchers, maybe he should consider becoming one himself. Someone who throws a fastball that hard with no movement could probably really gun 'em down at second.

By adamg - 5/29/06 - 11:13 am

Red crushes a beer can or two:

It's become increasingly clear that the only time Rudy Seanez should be allowed onto the playing field at Fenway is if there's a fire in the bullpen and he needs to cut across the green to make his escape. ...

TouchMyLeftOne predicts:

... The Sox bullpen will blow 1-3 games while [Timlin] is out.

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