30 Thorn St. rendering
By adamg - 10/31/23 - 10:22 am

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved another year-long extension to a developer proposing a 40-units apartment building at 30 Thorn St. off River Street - the fourth such extension since the project was first approved in 2018. Read more.

Rendering of proposed new building on River Street
By adamg - 3/17/23 - 10:15 am

Dr. Jean Bonnet has filed plans with the BPDA to replace his current Hyde Park Health Associates at 745 River St. and a neighboring repair garage with a five-story building with his enlarged and updated medical practice on the first floor and 40 apartments above it. Read more.

By adamg - 7/19/18 - 9:53 am

Oleg Uritsky, a Quincy real-estate investor, is proposing a six-story, 45-unit residential building for Thorn Street, a small side street off River Street near the Hyde Park/Mattapan line. Read more.