House, cars hit by fire in Hyde Park
By adamg - 6/8/20 - 9:16 am

The Boston Fire Department reports a two-alarm fire at 27-29 Osceola St. damaged both a house and two cars, but that residents and a dog got out safely.

The second alarm was struck as soon as firefighters pulled up, shortly before 8 a.m. The fire shot through the roof before it was brought under control.

By adamg - 7/22/18 - 9:24 am

Victim identified as Dahrius Hollins, 28, of Hyde Park.

Boston Police report two men were shot at Osceola Street and Hopewell Road around 4:24 a.m. Both were taken to local hospitals, where one later died. Mass Incident Paging reports the murdered victim was shot in the chest; the other man in the leg.

This is Boston's 30th murder in 2018.