By adamg - 9/26/18 - 1:27 pm

The City Council agreed today to hold a hearing on the annual Freedom Rally on Boston Common and whether it can be turned into a less of a mess or whether the three-day event has to be moved somewhere else. Read more.

By adamg - 9/24/18 - 8:57 pm

City Councilors Josh Zakim and Ed Flynn, whose districts meet in Boston Common, say they're tired of complaints about the marijuana-focused Freedom Rally on the Common every September and that it's time to move it somewhere else. Read more.

By MikeC - 3/31/08 - 12:03 am

"High Times" Magazine Publisher Rick Cusick and
Keith Stroup Founder of the National
Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML) were arrested
for allegedly sharing a marijuana
cigarette on Boston Common in September 2007.

The two have refused the offer to dismiss the case with an apology.

The two and their defense team plan to challenge
the constitutionality of marijuana prohibition.

Their next court date is May 15th, 10AM, 24 New Chardon St., Boston. Press conference to follow.

By MikeC - 3/30/08 - 1:42 pm

PRESERVING Boston Common should mean much more than keeping the grass green ("Large events may become uncommon at city's beloved park," Page B1, March 20). The Common was America 's very first public grounds and the city should not regulate away the right of the people to assemble peaceably there for the sake of a greener lawn. If greener grass is what the city wants, they can achieve that by not allowing dogs to urinate on the grounds. Boston Parks Department maintenance people have told anyone who asks that dog urine, not peaceable assemblies, is what damages the grass most.

By MikeC - 3/27/08 - 12:49 am

MA State Representative Martin Walsh speaking at the State House on 3/18/2008.
Starting out Rep. Walsh says that he would support making alcohol illegal.

He moves on to the disproven propaganda about marijuana being a gateway drug. He also seems to completely ignore the fact that people in his own district are having trouble finding work after being arrested for one joint, 10 years ago.

And somewhere in the rant, Walsh blows off the majority of voters in his district (57%), who have voted for marijuana decrim.

Is this guy for real?

Steven Epstein

Jimi D