A trio of developers awarded a series of unused lots owned by the city between Terrace and Parker streets on Mission Hill have filed plans for a four-story condo building with retail space on the ground floor and a community garden out back along Parker Street, next to an "urban wild" that will be formally turned into a city park. Read more.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved a developer's plans to replace an auto-body shop and houses at 110 Terrace St. with a six-story, 79-unit apartment building with 32 parking spaces. Read more.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved a proposal by former state Rep. Jeff Sanchez for a cannabis shop at 123 Terrace St. on Mission Hill. Read more.
The Zoning Board of Appeals today approved a 39-unit, five-story residential building at 111 Terrace St., near Cedar Street, to replace an existing three-story apartment building and tow lot. Read more.