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Merrimac Street

By adamg - 7/24/24 - 1:40 pm

The state said today it will soon seek bids to turn the "superblock" of the Hurley and Lindemann buildings - the most brutal of Boston's brutalist structures - into a "residential mixed-used redevelopment" that will bring new housing and commercial space downtown while upgrading space for the site's current residential mental-health services. Read more.

By adamg - 8/9/23 - 8:33 pm
Photos of suspected carjacker

Surveillance photos via BPD.

Boston Police report they are looking for a guy they say used a knife to rob somebody of their car at the Laz parking lot at 37 Merrimac St. around 10:25 a.m. yesterday. Read more.

By adamg - 5/7/19 - 9:51 pm
Pickup truck travels down a dedicated bike lane in Boston

Parking in a bike lane? Boring, not worth mentioning anymore. But even a jaded Bostonian like our own roving UHub photographer AlisonO could only watch in amazement today when a guy in a pickup drovee down the protected bike lanes, the ones blocked off to keep people like him away, on Staniford Street so he could get to the parking lot on the corner with Merrimac that much faster.

Just when I thought Boston drivers couldn't surprise me.

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