Christopher Columbus Park
Sure, you could just stage a boring rally to call for action on climate change. Or you could hold a Boston Under Water Climate Festival, featuring such fun events as
- Building a sandbag flood barrier
- A massive group photo in front of the sandbag wall with a banner calling on world leaders to get us back to 350 and to pass a fair, ambitious and binding climate treaty this yearFlooding Station: learn about what sea level rise and higher storm surges will mean for Boston
- Fred Small sings "Three Five 0"
- Canoe relay racing!!
- Participatory Climate Theater!!
- Plus blue face-painting, bike-flag making, and much, much more!
Saturday, Oct. 24, 3-5:30 p.m. at Christopher Columbus Park.
Libertarians, anti-income-taxers, Barney Frank haters, birthers, objectivists, Reagan lovers, Sarah Palin fans, Oath Keepers and gun owners descended on Christopher Columbus Park this Independence Day to vow to retake America from the the jack-booted heel of socialized medicine and pollution caps, or something, in yet another Tea Bagging.
Most of the 300 or 400 protesters were from out of state, but at-large City Council candidates Sean Ryan and Doug Bennett also attended. Bennett, in fact, was the first speaker of the day, moving further away from his Republican roots by complaining about tax-and-spend "Republicrats" who are putting us deeper into a depression. I ran into him before the speechifying; he said that while he might not agree with everything the protesters said, he did agree the income tax was unconstitutional, because the founding fathers didn't include it in the Constitution.
Girly men can't appreciate a pit bull with lipstick:
Petercip managed to avoid getting feathers in his lens at today's waterfront pillow fight.
Steve Garfield posts photos from today's annual public pillow fight.
Steve also posted a video, which sums it all up:
Presumably, however, Matt eventually got tired and stopped posing behind the headless statue.
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