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Green Street

By adamg - 12/10/12 - 10:08 am

Orange Line repairs yesterday near Green Street. Photo by MBTA.Orange Line repairs yesterday near Green Street. Photo by MBTA.

By adamg - 10/25/12 - 12:11 pm

The inbound track needs repairs, but that requires some special parts, which are currently on order, T spokesman Joe Pesaturo says:

The speed restriction will remain in place until the repairs are made. Upon the arrival of some parts needed to make the repairs, the work will be scheduled for a weekend within sixty days.

By adamg - 8/30/12 - 9:10 am

Steph reports spotting a parakeet flitting around outside the Green Street Orange Line stop this morning.

By adamg - 6/9/12 - 3:32 pm

Flipped car

Steve Laniel photographed the reason so many police cars raced to Green Street by the T stop around 1:30 this afternoon.

By adamg - 6/9/12 - 8:57 am

JP Patch takes a look at how the story of a little girl, her stuffed bunny and the MBTA went national

By adamg - 6/6/12 - 9:56 pm

CSA at Green St., followed by dispatcher Rhiannon Bernier and
train driver Frank Limone. Audio from MBTA.

Casey reports on a near tragedy averted at Green Street, where daughter Roozle's stuffed Nummy bunny fell onto the tracks as they were getting off the Orange Line today:

The entire train gasped. Nummy was gone. Roozle immediately started screaming, "My friend! Nummy! She fell on the tracks and now a train is going to run her over! She will be squished by the train! On the tracks! I NEED MY FRIEND!!!" I ran ahead to find anyone who could help us.

Don't worry, there's a happy ending, involving a driver who brought the train to a halt halfway up the tracks at the station - at rush hour - got out - and rescued Nummy.

By adamg - 5/1/10 - 6:46 pm

This time it's Green Street on the Orange Line, shortly after 6 p.m. At least it's not in a tunnel.

By adamg - 8/31/09 - 1:18 pm

Benjamin M. tweets the PA system at Green Street at lunchtime was playing "We Are Family." But he adds nobody on the platform was dancing.

By adamg - 3/26/09 - 3:04 pm

Boston Police report arresting two teens on weapons charges in connection with a brewing street battle between rival groups outside the Green Street T stop in Jamaica Plain yesterday afternoon:

... Officers observed one young man removed his sweater and place both hands in the air and get into a fighting stance. Officers immediately exited their marked police vehicle to look into this situation and while doing so heard one member of the group exclaim an expletive at the other group. Officers spoke to the young man who was yelling and he explained to the officers that one member of the other group had put his hand in his pocket and pointed it in his direction. ...

David Arias, 17, of Roxbury, was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition. Eric L. Ortiz, 17, of Roxbury was charged with carrying a dangerous weapon.

Innocent until proven members of either the Sharks or the Jets.

By adamg - 8/7/07 - 8:56 am

It's morning rush hour on the first of the month at Green Street, people are lined up at the CharlieCard machines buying new passes and the machines suddenly stop taking credit cards. You're an MBTA customer service agent, so what do you do?

A. Tell people to use cash or wait the two hours until the machines come back online.
B. Refuse to wave anybody through who doesn't have cash.
C. Get angry at people who refuse to admit the problem is their own damn fault.
D. All of the above.

By adamg - 2/27/07 - 8:18 pm

Russ Stein wishes the tall Metro hawker at Green Street would just go away:

... He's like seven feet tall and runs from one end of the station to the other shouting shit like, "Aw yeah, I've got your Metro!" and "It's a great day for a Metro!" while getting in the way of people trying to catch the train. I've also heard him muttering some ex-junkie Jesus bullshit when dodging him. ...

By adamg - 1/11/07 - 11:46 pm

MBTA cops ordered an artist's car out of the gallery at the Green Street T stop:

... I got a call from Ravi Jain last night asking me to come down to the new Axiom Gallery on Green Street to help him push his car, Hosey, OUT of the gallery. ...

Why was the car there to begin with? To show episodes of Jain's videoblog, taped on his morning commute. Cops were afraid it would blow up or something.

By adamg - 6/26/06 - 11:12 pm

Yeah, the guy who got hit by an Orange Line train this morning just jumped or climbed down onto the tracks. But how did he escape notice? Bad Transit asks about all those supposed security measures that are supposed to keep the system safe. What if the guy had been carrying explosives?

By adamg - 6/26/06 - 1:32 pm

That's the question Mass. Marrier is asking: Why did it take the local media so long to get around to covering the the guy who'd gotten hit by the Orange Line train this morning - beyond posting a completely non-descriptive T travel advisory?

By adamg - 6/26/06 - 8:14 am

That's what the T calls it when they find a body on the tracks, this time at Green Street. So buses instead of trains between Forest Hills and Ruggles.

Via b0st0n.

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