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Julia Mejia

By adamg - 6/10/24 - 1:47 pm

Boston City Councilors Ruthzee Louijeune, Julia Mejia and Henry Santana (all at large) this week will formally propose changing the way Bostonians elect municipal officials to a more Cambridge-like system in which voters would rank candidates in order of preference. Read more.

By adamg - 3/27/24 - 5:33 pm

The Boston City Council today approved a measure to set up a planning department as the first major step towards abolishing the BPDA and giving the mayor and the council - and residents more of a direct say in how Boston grows. Read more.

By adamg - 3/1/24 - 4:21 pm

The City Council this week approved a measure under which the city will hire two companies to install 250 chargers along Boston streets to let people without their own driveways top up their battery-powered cars. Read more.

By adamg - 1/31/24 - 3:46 pm
Ed Flynn

Ed Flynn, worrying about Boston's neighboring cities.

The Boston City Council today approved a $13.3-million federal homeland-security grant without the normally required hearing after Councilor Ed Flynn (South Boston, South End, Chinatown, downtown) warned there was no time left, that surrounding communities that would share the grant need the money now. Read more.

By adamg - 1/24/24 - 12:43 pm

City Councilor Julia Mejia (at large) had a proposed grant from the Department of Homeland Security sent to a committee for further study before the committee as a whole votes on the grant, which would fund regional anti-terrorism and natural-disaster response.

By adamg - 8/30/23 - 3:31 pm

Boston could stand more delicious street food - and people selling it - councilors said today, calling for a dramatic simplification in the process for people to begin selling food from simple, inexpensive, hand-pushed carts. Read more.

By adamg - 6/5/23 - 10:56 pm

City Councilor Julia Mejia (at large), said today BPS appears poised to announce it's moving the John D. O'Bryant School of Math and Science from Malcolm X Boulevard in Roxbury to the former West Roxbury Education Complex, next to a swamp on the edge of the city in a building that BPS officials ordered shut in 2019 because, they said at the time, it was filling with mold due to a roof that could not be replaced, atop a structure that looked ready to plunge to the ground. Read more.

By adamg - 1/19/23 - 12:11 pm

City Councilor Julia Mejia says Turtleboy owner Aiden Kearney keeps libeling her and she's had enough.
Read more.

By adamg - 9/1/22 - 2:20 pm

City Councilors Erin Murphy and Frank Baker, both of whom have had close relatives deal with drug problems, say one solution to the resurgence of drug problems at Mass and Cass could be to force people into locked treatment facilities. Read more.

By adamg - 5/18/22 - 5:28 pm
Mejia argues against DESE takeover

Mejia argues against state takeover.

The City Council voted overwhelmingly today to fight to keep local control of BPS in the face of possible state receivership, saying a new mayor and a new superintendent deserve a chance to finally bring the sort of change BPS needs and that the last thing Boston - where voters strongly supported an elected school committee in the fall election - needs is an outside commissar screwing things up even more. Read more.

By adamg - 3/30/22 - 2:14 pm

The City Council will consider a proposal to seek permission from the state legislature to give Boston four new liquor licenses that would be restricted to use in the Bolling Building in Nubian Square, as a way to help stimulate economic activity there and help ease the historic disparity between wealthy Boston Proper areas and the city's Black and Brown neighborhoods when it comes to liquor licenses. Read more.

By adamg - 3/23/22 - 9:35 pm

Committee on Government Accountability, Transparency & Accessibility on March 22, 2022

WBZ reports on a City Council hearing, led by Julia Mejia (at large) yesterday. You can watch the entire hearing above.

By adamg - 3/14/22 - 12:52 pm
Fernandes Anderson makes a point

Fernandes Anderson makes a point during hearing.

Three city councilors of color today expressed hesitancy over a proposed ordinance that would prohibit targeted protests outside the mayor's house early in the morning, saying that while they understand what it's like to be hit with racist bile, they're not sure they have enough faith in Boston Police to not then turn the rule against Black Lives Matter and other protesters. Read more.

By adamg - 2/2/22 - 1:22 pm

The City Council today agreed to have a committee consider the idea of creating a Reparations Commission to come up with ways to pay Black Bostonians for centuries of slavery, discrimination and redlining. Read more.

By adamg - 1/26/22 - 2:36 pm

The Boston City Council agreed today to look at creating a public alternative to private broadband providers, saying events of the past couple of years have proved broadband has become a necessity that private business may be unwilling to provide at a price that all residents can afford. Read more.

By adamg - 12/2/21 - 12:01 pm

WBUR looks at the proposal by City Councilor Julia Mejia (at large) to create a commission to study the idea.

By adamg - 9/27/21 - 11:25 am

Ayanna Pressley has endorsed Julia Mejia (incumbent), David Halbert, Ruthzee Louijeune and Carla Monteiro for the four at-large council seats and Kendra Hicks in District 6 (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury, Mission Hill). Didn't say if she'll be endorsing somebody for mayor. Read more.

By adamg - 9/24/21 - 11:48 am
Essaibi George, Janey and Wu

Photo via mayor's office.

Acting Mayor Kim Janey met with Annissa Essaibi George and Michelle Wu yesterday to begin planning the transition for when one of the candidates takes over at City Hall in November. Read more.

By adamg - 8/17/21 - 9:16 am

Schoolyard News reports on an effort to get a (non-binding) question on the November ballot on whether to return to an elected School Committee. Read more.

By adamg - 3/31/21 - 3:31 pm

During a City Council vote today on a proposal he didn't like, Councilor Frank Baker (Dorchester) voted "present" and then, forgetting to mute himself, let fly a hearty "fuck them." Read more.

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