The Forest Hills Educational Trust announced today the annual Lantern Festival will go on after all this summer.
As reported [url= at Universal Hub[/url] and more extensively [url=
The Forest Hills Educational Trust has sent e-mail to supporters announcing the departure of its executive director and its two other paid staff members and that:
Katken attended the annual Lantern Festival at Forest Hills Cemetery last night.
Used under this Creative Commons license. Tagged as universalhub on Flickr.
Snapping turtle with jaws of steel refuses to move when photographer approaches. No word if it then snapped a broomstick in two with its maw.
Matthew jogs in Forest Hills Cemetery. Running with the Dead chronicles his runs through this "genteel necropolis of rolling hills, puddingstone outcrops, and the watchful trees."
Some nice photos from Forest Hills Cemetery, including one of a sunning turtle.
Some nice photos from Jamaica Pond.
Mike Ball reports somebody is stealing sculptures and urns from Forest Hills Cemtery:
... You'd suppose trying to fence two very distinctive and well-known public sculptures will end up tripping up the thieves. I hope so and I bet the cemetery (and likely its insurance company) are working that angle too ...
The Globe reports officials fear the sculptures will simply be sold for scrap.
You just have to know how to listen and do a bit of research.
Both are large, impressive birds. But unlike turkeys, cormorants aren't known for attacking people. Mike Ball took a couple of photos of a cormorant stretching its wings at Forest Hills Cemetery the other day.
Evan reports on his trek (so no, he didn't fall through); he saw plenty of ice-fishing holes and a snowman standing on the ice in the middle of the pond.
Joe Driscoll stayed firmly on solid ground as he photographed Forest Hills Cemetery in the snow.
Mass. Marrier is our host (and, yes, it's true - e.e. cummings really is buried under a tombstone reading EDWARD ESTLIN CUMMINGS):
Kat attends, photographs the annual Lantern Festival at Forest Hills Cemetery:
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