Mary Ellen witnessed quite the scene yesterday at the Cow Island Pond stretch of the Charles River off Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury, after rushing over on reports coyotes chased down a deer onto the ice - only to scattered, possibly after one of them also up and died. And that left the newly deceased deer available as some fresh buffet for some scavenger birds, including, yes, the noble bald eagle (who was joined by a mate: Read more
Rivermoor Street
A developer says it will soon file detailed plans with the BPDA to replace what is now a parking lot in an industrial zone along Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury with a warehouse and distribution center. Read more.
This immature Cooper's hawk at Millennium Park in West Roxbury stayed still long enough for Mary Ellen to compose a portrait shot yesterday.
She reports that, in addition to Younghawk, she also spotted a pair of bald eagles perched atop one of the communications towers along Rivermoor Street, where they get a clear view of the various twists of the Charles there - the first time she's spotted eagles there in awhile: Read more.
In Roslindale, Ed Grzyb watched a plane transit the moon on its way into Logan tonight.
Last night, Mary Ellen watched the moon get snagged by the communications tower on Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury: Read more.
A communications tower off Rivermoor Street, near Millennium Park in West Roxbury, is a popular place for birds to perch and survey the nearby Charles River. The other day, though, a pair of crows decided to try to drive off a bald eagle sitting up there. And Mary Ellen was there to watch the dive bombing.
On a walk around Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning, Mary Ellen spotted two eagles perched on the transmission tower at the National Grid facility down below on Rivermoor Street.
Mary Ellen spotted all these starlings atop a tower with cell and microwave units off Rivermoor Street near Millennium Park in West Roxbury the other day. She also captured them in full murmuration.
Mary Ellen spotted a pair of bald eagles over Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury today. This one was much larger, so was probably the female, she says.
Mary Ellen reports she was standing under a tree by the Charles River in West Roxbury this morning when an eagle landed in the tree, basically right on top of her - maybe the one she saw from a bit further away yesterday.
Mary Ellen shows us one of the two bald eagles she watched hanging out yesterday in the trees along the Charles River's Cow Island Pond, off Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury. Could the couple be searching for starter nest for a new family?
Mary Ellen spotted this peregrine falcon yesterday, hanging out overlooking Cow Island Pond, a sort of Charles River bay off Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury.