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By adamg - 8/1/22 - 4:11 pm
Bob Williams talks about rats

Union Park's Williams: Enough with the wire-harness-chomping, backyard-destroying rats.

The rat barrage that grew worse with the pandemic hasn't eased and now residents are having to deal with cars sustaining thousands of dollars of damage from rats chewing through wiring and asphalt surfaces collapsing from all the rat burrows under them on top of all general grossness of seeing rat families having giant family reunions in people's yards and in local parks. Read more.

By adamg - 8/1/22 - 11:23 am

Reclaim Rock City is a group of people in Allston who are tired of all the rats and have started organizing to figure out how to fight the little beasts. They're holding a community fair at Ringer Park on Saturday with "free local music, games, sports, poetry, freebies, and collaborative art" along with the chance to talk anti-vermin strategies. They also have a survey.

By adamg - 12/6/21 - 9:38 am

The Crimson reports Cambridge is looking to hire a rodent control liaison to coordinate city efforts to do something, anything, about a rising tide of rat complaints.

By adamg - 9/14/21 - 10:48 am

Ben (1972) - Official Trailer (HD)

Wicked Local Cambridge reports Cambridge wants to hire a "rat liaison," not to negotiate terms of surrender with Remy and Ben to serve as a sort of rat czar to deal with growing numbers of rar complaints from residents, only you can't call the person a czar in the People's Republic.

Newton residents come to grim realization that their garden city has rats.

By adamg - 9/12/21 - 6:30 pm


The Heights reports on Newton's rat woes, quotes a rat expert that residents need to stop blaming construction and start looking at how they handle their trash.

By adamg - 10/30/20 - 8:47 am

"Oh, rats!" Coach Bolster was no doubt thinking at DTX this morning: Read more.

By adamg - 9/22/20 - 3:53 pm
Rat Day poster

In 1917, the Women's Municipal League offered bounties for rats. More info.

The city's top rat official told city councilors today that ISD's rat team will soon resume use of dry ice to kill rats - and just in time, what with growing rat complaints coming in from all parts of the city. Read more.

By adamg - 8/13/20 - 9:50 am

Based on complaints pouring into Boston's 311 system, we are a city overrun by rats, giant ones, spilling out of holes, shrubs and people's toilets, roaming the streets like they own the joint. Case in point, a complaint from Athens Street in South Boston: Read more.

By adamg - 5/29/20 - 3:07 pm

DigBoston reports on increased rat sightings in both Boston and Cambridge as coronvirus deprives the rodents of a major food source - restaurant dumpsters, and quotes a Boston city rat expert who says local rats have gotten more aggressive in general and in terms of finding food in particular. More specifically, adult rats are now eating baby rats.

By adamg - 1/20/20 - 11:04 am
Rat tracks in the snow in the North End

A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint about all the rats at Lewis and Commercial streets in the North End. Read more.

By adamg - 7/11/19 - 10:38 pm

It was a nice night, a little more than a week ago, the Danny Road resident recalled, and he was sitting on his front stoop when he looked across the street and saw a rat running into one of his neighbor's hedges. He said he went across the street to alert his neighbor, who got out a flashlight and the two began looking around when they spotted another rat. Read more.

By adamg - 2/28/19 - 10:34 am

Extreme Lunch Seagull Swallows Rat in Boston

Never mind the Goat, we've got the Seagull - and a British tourist was there to record it all on Salem Street in the North End - and provide appropriately horrified commentary, because nothing like this ever happens in jolly old England.

Via Megan Johnson.

By adamg - 9/11/18 - 8:28 pm

A disgusted citizen files a 311 complaint about the lazy rat sauntering down Lewis Street in the middle of the day like nobody's business:

Big fat RAT strolling about on Lewis St in broad daylight! Situation in North End is obviously out of control. Rats are not running anymore!

By adamg - 7/23/18 - 10:20 am

A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint about the situation on Litchfield Street in Allston: Read more.

By adamg - 6/21/18 - 12:26 pm

The Revere Journal reports the city is gearing up for some major rat asskicking that could include traditional rodenticides, dry ice and, yes, owls, in addition to distibuting heavy, covered trash cans to residents.

By adamg - 5/31/18 - 3:55 pm

The Dig reports on increasingly common and long lasting rat poisons that are beginning to work their way up the food chain - to the raptors that eat the rats that don't die right away.

By adamg - 1/22/18 - 3:34 pm
Chicken wings under the hood of a car

A disgusted Fenway citizen files a 311 complaint about what's under his or her car's hood these days:

I pay to park my car behind my apartment building in the alley. There have been rats in the alley. Recently they have been getting under the hood of my car and bringing garbage from the dumpster with them. This is a picture of chicken wings under the hood of my car.

By adamg - 12/18/17 - 11:45 pm

A disgusted North End resident files a complaint about the wire-munching rats that have been ceaselessly chomping on his or her engine on Commercial Street: Read more.

By adamg - 7/25/17 - 11:24 pm

A skeeved out citizen files a complaint about the state of his or her toilet in an apartment on Hyde Park Avenue in Roslindale: Read more.

By adamg - 12/28/16 - 11:22 am

NBC Boston reports state officials have ordered the city to stop pouring dry ice down rat holes because the carbon dioxide the stuff gives off to suffocate the rats is not registered with the federal government as a pesticide and so is illegal, at least for killing rats.

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