By Anonymous - 9/10/10 - 5:32 pm

This is the mailing that has Stephen Lynch in a tizzy.

By Anonymous - 9/6/10 - 3:04 pm

Lynch plays his cards close to the vest in what seems like a defensive style of politics. It certainly is not leadership-driven.

Take his process on the health care bill debate last summer. From March through August we heard Rep.Lynch say he didn't know how he'd vote on the bill. At the same time, he did not take a leadership role in shaping it. In August at Curry, Rep. Lynch held a town hall meeting and said he had read the bill but still didn't know how he was going to vote. Once again, his constituents could not get a bead on where he stood.

Perhaps even more stunningly at that town hall meeting, Rep. Lynch was given the chance to answer a question about death panels (after all he had read the bill) and refudiate (sic) ;-) the meme that right wing Republican liars and Fox News had made popular. Lynch equivocated! He would not take a stand!

By Anonymous - 9/6/10 - 12:06 am

D’Alessandro for Democrats; a chance for a new voice
September 6, 2010

Flyer states Lynch as evil as Johnny Damon
By adamg - 9/5/10 - 12:02 am

We got this flyer from the D'Alessandro campaign yesterday.

By adamg - 9/3/10 - 11:08 am

Needham Patch reports on a Ninth District forum that featured Democrat Mac D'Alessandro and Republican Vernon Harrison.

By Anonymous - 8/2/10 - 3:52 pm

Host Seth McCoy of the NeedhamChannel interviews Mac D'Alessandro, a Democratic Candidate in the Massachusetts Congressional Race.

By adamg - 7/29/10 - 5:25 pm

Clinton pushes for Lynch before heading off to big wedding: Dave Parsons too more photos.Clinton pushes for Lynch, heads off to big wedding: Part of a set of photos by Dave Parsons.

Mike Ball was at the Ironworkers Hall in Southie today:

... You'd think the rally was for Clinton and Lynch was brought in to fluff the crowd for him. Lynch praised Clinton's presidency mightily and repeatedly, then Bill took over and did the same. He eventually got back around to saying how important it was to keep Lynch in office. ...

Also, state Rep. Marty Walsh of Dorchester attacked Lynch's primary opponent, Mac D'Alessandro, by making the remarkable claim that Republicans never run against each other. Apparently, Marty hasn't gotten south of the Neponset recently.

Photo copyright David Parsons. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By Anonymous - 6/9/10 - 11:02 am

If you are a Mac, you're not alone:

By adamg - 5/26/10 - 3:37 pm

The Mac D'Alessandro campaign says it's submitted 4,000 signatures to the secretary of state's office, which should be more than enough to get him on the Democratic primary ballot this fall against Ninth District incumbent Steve Lynch.

By adamg - 4/18/10 - 2:47 pm

D'AlessandroDavid Bernstein breaks the news that Mac D'Alessandro, policy director for the SEIU in the Northeast, will run against the Ninth District incumbent.

You may recall unions warned Lynch of the consequences if he voted against the health-care reform bill.

Campaign Facebook page.

Also running in the Ninth District this year: independent Phil Dunkelbarger and Republicans Keith Lepor and Vernon Harrison.

By chrismatth - 4/7/10 - 5:15 pm

Harmony Wu, who was considering a run for congress against Steve Lynch after his vote against health care reform last month, has decided not to run.

By adamg - 3/22/10 - 4:32 pm

Conor Yunits runs the numbers, thinks Southie and disaffected union rank-and-file will still go heavily for Lynch, swamping t

By adamg - 3/21/10 - 11:00 pm

Teddy can rest easy tonight.

By adamg - 3/20/10 - 10:03 am

Draft Harmony Wu - Facebook effort to convince Harmony Wu of Needham, who was an Obama o

By adamg - 3/19/10 - 4:34 pm

Mike Ball, who calls Lynch a "suddenly unbearable" small embarassment, posts his phone numbers and a Web site on which you can send him a message.