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By adamg - 9/11/24 - 5:18 pm

Specifically: The Prudential Tower, Center Plaza, Atlantic Wharf, 100 Causeway, 100 Federal St., 1 Lincoln St., the amphitheater at 40 Water St. and the UMass Boston Integrated Science Center.

By adamg - 9/10/23 - 9:32 pm
St. Anthony's Shrine on Arch Street wrapped with the names of 9/11 victims

The St. Anthony Shrine on Arch Street downtown was wrapped today with the name of all the victims of 9/11, Anthony Castiglioni reports.

9/11 commemorations on Monday.

By adamg - 9/11/21 - 11:05 am
Mark Bavis remembered at World Trade Center

2,996 people were murdered 20 years ago today. More than 200 were from or had ties to Massachusetts, including Mark Bavis, a Los Angeles Kings scout who grew up in Roslindale and who was returning to Los Angeles on United flight 175, and Gerard Dewan, a West Roxbury native who worked as a Green Line trolley driver before moving to New York to become a firefighter. Read more.

By adamg - 9/9/21 - 10:22 am

The Boston National Historical Park reports the USS Constitution Museum will host 9/11 commemorations on Saturday that will include Old Ironsides going out into Boston Harbor between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Also, the Massachusetts Air National Guard will fly F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jets over the harbor, within site of Logan Airport, where the two jets that hit the World Trade Center took off from.

By adamg - 9/9/21 - 9:08 am

WHDH reports that sometime overnight, somebody knocked over many of the 2,997 American flags volunteers had put in the ground in the Public Garden as a remembrance of the lives lost on 9/11.

By adamg - 9/11/20 - 10:43 am
Mark Bavis Square in Roslindale

Mark Bavis Square.

Among the thousands who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11 was Mark Bavis, a Roslindale native and a passenger on United Flight 175. Read more.

By adamg - 9/11/16 - 7:15 pm
Bagpipers at 9/11 ceremony in Boston

Stevil attended the 9/11 commemoration in the Public Garden this morning.

Copyright Stevil. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 9/10/16 - 10:42 pm

The USS Constitution will commemorate 9/11 in a ceremony that starts at 8:15 a.m. and which will include several one-gun salutes and the playing of taps between 8:46 and 10:28 a.m. to commemorate incidents from the first plane hitting the south tower of the World Trade Center to the collapse of the north tower.

Members of the public are invited; people over 18 will need a valid ID.

By adamg - 9/13/15 - 2:02 pm
Tour de Force bicyclists crest hill in Roslindale and head down to Boston Harbor

Several hundred bicyclists rode from New York to Boston in a four-day ride to remember 9/11 and raise funds for the families of police officers killed in the line of duty. Early this afternoon, they turned up Washington Street in Dedham. As they crested the hill at West Roxbury Parkway, they got a view of downtown Boston - where they'd end their ride at the harbor.

By adamg - 9/12/14 - 7:40 pm
Who are these people?

UPDATE: Keefe tweeted tonight:


She adds:

Dear Everyone: introducing the very much alive & well @FredWMahe!! #FARLEFT #weallknowyou #911photo #AMAZING #NYC Thank you to ALL

Mahe himself says:

It is my picture that was at my desk on the 77th Fl of WTC Tower 2.The picture has been kept safe by @ProfKeefe 4 last 13yrs

By adamg - 9/11/14 - 9:06 am
Remembering 9/11 in Boston in 2014

At 8:46 a.m., taps played outside the State House as the American and Massachusetts flags were raised to half staff. Photo by PlunkettPrime.

By adamg - 4/29/14 - 7:42 pm
Flight 175 ceremony at Logan Airport

Dan Sentry watched a ceremony this afternoon at Logan's gate C19, from which United flight 175 took off on 9/11.

The flag was taken down so that United workers can continue to fly it at terminal B. A new flag will continue to fly above the jetway as JetBlue moves into the terminal.

By adamg - 9/11/13 - 2:16 pm

Massport is apologizing for scheduling routine fire training at Logan today, because not everybody would realize that was only an old fuselage on fire rather than something more sinister on this anniversary date.

By adamg - 1/18/12 - 5:28 pm

Our own homegrown tough guy and Whitey wannabe is now apologizing for saying if he'd been on Flight 11 out of Logan on 9/11 - like he was originally planning to be - things would have turned out differently.

By adamg - 9/11/11 - 7:54 pm

Changing of the guard

By adamg - 9/11/11 - 10:47 am

UPDATE: Truck found, it was up to good - legit picking up charity donations - the Globe reports.

Boston and State Police are on alert this morning, in search of an 18-foot Penske truck spotted with blue, plastic 55-gallon drums last night on Columbus Avenue near Mass. Ave.

By adamg - 9/11/11 - 9:51 am

Brian McGrory interviews people who said goodbye to family members flying to Los Angeles from Logan on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

A park near Akamai Technologies in Cambridge will be dedicated today to honor co-founder Daniel Lewin, a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11.

By adamg - 9/10/11 - 7:41 pm

The MBTA announces that all subway trains will pull into stations and stand by at 8:46 for a 9/11 moment of silence.

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