By adamg - 3/27/24 - 9:20 am

The Boston Sun captures the moment when a Boston animal-control officer captured a coyote on Anderson Street for relocation to someplace a bit less urban; reports the sight of the beast startled even grizzled Beacon Hill residents who had grown used to other forms of wildlife, such as turkeys and owls.

By adamg - 6/29/23 - 11:36 am

The Boston Licensing Board today granted the East Broadway Market at 869 East Broadway at O Street in South Boston permission to sell beer and wine. Read more.

By adamg - 6/28/23 - 12:35 pm

The Boston Licensing Board decides tomorrow whether to grant beer-and-wine licenses to two long-time markets - the East Broadway Market at 869 East Broadway at O Street in South Boston and the Beacon Hill Market, 55 Anderson St. at Myrtle Street on Beacon Hill.

The board's hearings on the two applications this morning were as varied as the neighborhoods themselves. Read more.

Where the trash can used to be
By adamg - 5/13/23 - 11:21 am

A concerned citizen filed a 311 complaint about the disappearance of a trash receptacle at Myrtle and Anderson streets on Beacon Hill: Read more.