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By Briancj - 12/16/17 - 11:38 am

The size of the Thomas Canyon fire in California is truly massive. Below, you can see an overlay of the fire's borders on top of a map of Eastern Massachusetts.

By DaraCfromBos - 9/3/14 - 6:22 pm

Massive fire in an apartment building at Commonwealth Ave and Harvard Street in Allston this afternoon. Surrounding streets blocked off.

By adamg - 9/21/06 - 3:35 pm

Jodie blogs, photographs that disaster drill at the Cambridgeside Galleria this past weekend. Warning: Has graphic photos of a surprisingly realistic fake leg gash, along with a great photo of zombies in white decontamination suits heading up the escalator:

... The bomb went off, and we went into character. I was sitting with Molly, who was supposed to be confused and scared. She tried hiding under tables, but I dragged her out. I kind of forgot some of the time that I might want to be limping. ...

By adamg - 9/18/06 - 12:42 pm

Yesterday, eeka got to play a corpse. She really showed up at the Cambridgeside Galleria to play a victim in the state's disaster exercise, but she reports that had she been an actual victim, she would have died long before emergency workers got to her:

... All of us were put through the radioactive screening and decontamination process before any injuries were triaged. It took me about an hour to get through the first screening. By then, the huge contusions they'd painted all over my neck and chest would have bled out. ...

By adamg - 9/18/06 - 8:12 am

I thought the Evacuation Route signs on Washington Street at Forest Hills and on Hyde Park Avenue in Cleary Square were confusing enough, what with them pointing in two different directions to get out of the city when the Big One hits (and STILL without answering the vital question: What the hell do you do when you get to the Dedham line?). But Subway Knitter takes a photo of a three-way Evacuation Route sign at Mass Ave. and Washington Street in the South End.

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