Booby and cormorant in Old Harbor
By adamg - 7/14/24 - 5:13 pm

Hugmajesty spotted our rare fly-in brown booby hanging out near Carson Beach with one of the local cormorants, in sharp contrast to yesterday's attempt by some of the meaner gulls to chase it off. Also note its feet are yellowish - you're thinking of blue-footed boobies, which are a different species altogether, one found in the eastern Pacific.

Brown booby in South Boston
By adamg - 7/13/24 - 5:33 pm

Mary Ellen was among the bird enthusiasts who gathered on the beach between the Curley Community Center and Carson Beach today for a chance to photograph the brown booby that decided to head north for some time in the Hub.

The booby in action - look at that neck go: Read more.