The Longfellow in 2052 according to new TV show
By adamg - 7/22/24 - 11:40 am

A new show called Orphan Black: Echoes, which is just like "Orphan Black," only sideways, is set in Boston in 2052, as Brad Searles discovered.

And as you can see from this screenshot from one of the trailers downtown and Beacon Hill will look a tad different in 28 years, so get cracking, developers. But the Red Line will always be the Red Line, even if now a bit rusty on top. Read more.

By adamg - 12/27/15 - 9:00 pm
Howard Leibowitz

Howard Leibowitz, who served at the side of both Ray Flynn and Tom Menino, died today, according to MassDOT Highway Administrator (and Menino Transportation Commissioner) Tom Tinlin, who writes:

World lost a good one today. Howard Leibowitz. Political genius, better friend. RIPHowardLeibowitz

Seth Gittell writes an appreciation.

By adamg - 11/10/14 - 12:21 pm

Somebody down in that Central American nation looks to Menino as the sort of person the country desperately needs as its next prime minister, to stave off G

Saying farewell to Tom Menino on the Red Line
By anon - 11/6/14 - 3:12 pm

Almost 10 years ago, I took a position as a newscast writer for WBUR. Mine was the early morning shift, and my job was to arrive at 4 in the morning and start putting together the local news portion of Morning Edition.

McDonald's says farewell to Tom Menino
By adamg - 11/4/14 - 5:11 pm

The McDonald's on Hyde Park Avenue in Hyde Park this evening.

Tom Menino's hearse passes Fenway Park
By adamg - 11/3/14 - 2:27 pm

Michael Halle watched Tom Menino's hearse pass by Fenway Park on its way from Faneuil Hall to Hyde Park today.

Roslindale says farewell to Tom Menino
By adamg - 11/3/14 - 1:13 pm

At first, the mood was almost festive. Schoolkids and many adults waved flags - some handed out by Carlos Arredondo - and friends and neighbors reminisced.

By adamg - 11/3/14 - 8:23 am

Former City Councilor John Tobin has been posting Tom Menino stories on his Facebook feed, including one this morning about how the mayor was displeased with the old suits Tobin was wearing:

He said, "meet me after the breakfast and we will take a ride." I said "ok" having no idea where we were going. About 8:15, he finishes his talk and he leaves and I go with him. We go down to his car and I get in. His driver takes us on a short drive to Downtown Crossing where we go into an alley behind Filene's Basement. We get out the car and he raps on the back door. A splendidly dressed man meets The Mayor and I at the door. We walk thru the dark back rooms of the Basement and onto the floor which was still dark because the place was not open yet. The Mayor says to the Suit Man, whom he obviously knows quite well, " take my friend John here to the suits that are going on sale Friday."

Menino banner on City Hall
By adamg - 11/2/14 - 7:08 pm

They'll signal the start of Tom Menino's funeral procession from Faneuil Hall to Most Precious Blood Church in Hyde Park, and will mark each year of his life.

Photo copyright Maria M. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

Waiting outside Faneuil Hall to pay respects to Tom Menino
By adamg - 11/2/14 - 12:02 pm

Road Trip New England captured people waiting by the statue of Mayor White for their turn to pay their final respects to Mayor Menino inside Faneuil Hall this morning. Faneuil Hall will remain open until there are no more people left.

By adamg - 11/1/14 - 11:00 am

Around 10:45 a.m. on Monday, a hearse carrying Tom Menino's body will leave Faneuil Hall for a private mass at noon at Most Precious Blood Church in Hyde Park.

Downtown Crossing memorial to Tom Menino
By adamg - 10/31/14 - 2:48 pm

Ben Heyman paused to take a look at the makeshift memorial to Tom Menino at the heart of Downtown Crossing this afternoon.

Sign that thanks Tom Menino in Roslindale
By adamg - 10/31/14 - 7:37 am

Somebody mounted an old Menino sign at Adams Park, in front of a flag flying at half staff.

Roslindale was part of Tom Menino's old city-council district, and as a councilor, he helped create the city's first Main Streets program there.

By adamg - 10/30/14 - 9:52 pm

Starting at 10 a.m., according to his family. The mayor's office in City Hall overlooks Faneuil Hall.

A funeral mass the next day at Most Precious Blood Parish in Hyde Park will be private.

By adamg - 10/30/14 - 5:41 pm

For people who want to bring flowers or mementos to honor Tom Menino, the mayor's office announces.

Tomorrow, condolence books will be placed in all BPL branches and city community centers.

Letters and cards may be sent to:
Mayor Menino’s Office
Boston University
75 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215.

By adamg - 10/30/14 - 1:23 pm

Mayor Menino's comments at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross after the Marathon bombings last year.

By adamg - 10/30/14 - 11:24 am

Thomas M. Menino, the longest serving mayor in Boston history, died this morning at Brigham and Women's Hospital, where he had been battling cancer.

By adamg - 10/24/14 - 7:32 am

WBZ reports that when Mayor Walsh called Tom Menino yesterday, one of the first things Menino wanted to talk about was how the city was cleaning up from the nor'easter.