By adamg - 11/16/21 - 9:39 am

Police in the normally serene town of LIttleton report a pair of wily bovines have fled the coop.

The cows managed to evade the officers and local farmers who wanted to help. The cows eventually ran into the woods. If you see them, please DO NOT APPROACH OR CHASE them!

By adamg - 6/30/08 - 12:35 pm

Kelly, who works for Big Blue, explains; is baffled.

By adamg - 4/19/08 - 6:22 pm

Possible turkey/peacock hybrid spotted in Littleton; what happens when they start breeding with coyotes?

By adamg - 10/19/07 - 9:33 am

The US Geological Survey reports a magnitude-2.5 earthquake at 1:25 a.m., centered one mile west of Littleton Common.

By adamg - 1/15/07 - 9:29 pm

Last week, Littleton selectmen fired a police officer facing charges in two separate criminal cases.

By adamg - 11/22/06 - 8:32 am

Kelly lets her frozen fingers thaw before reporting on Littleton High School's annual powder-puff football game - between girls in the senior and junior classes: