Are you looking to hang out and skate with like-minded progressives in Boston? Want to cross-promote your events and campaigns over the ice? Are you new to the area and looking for groups to get involved in? Are you psyched about building strong cross-issue coalitions while you take a break from holiday preparations?
Join Socializing for Justice at the Frog Pond* on the Common for Ice Skating for Justice!
(Even if you can't skate, come on out! There will surely be others with wobbly ankles.)
No program. No speaker.
Just lace up and enjoy yourself.
At Socializing for Justice (SoJust) events you can hang out with friends, make new ones, find a date, get the scoop on a job, and find out what's going on this weekend - political or social. And the best part is that SoJust members share your vision of building a more just world.