By Stewart - 1/12/11 - 1:37 pm

Travis Corcoran, the president of Heavy Ink, an online comic book retailer based in Arlington, Massachusetts and apparently a complete idiot, had some particularly moronic pseudo-anarchistic thoughts about the shooting of Rep.

By 02132 - 8/26/07 - 4:40 pm

A lot of people seem to be, including our friends at New England's Largest Newspaper.

Its been years since I read the Sunday Comics with any regularity, but I still check it out every once in a while to make sure Janis didn't leave Arlo or anything crazy like that. (I recommend F Minus, my current favorite Globe comic.) Today, though, the Globe made the brave editorial decision to not print a certain comic, and instead replace it with an oldie from 2004. The comic's offense? A horrendous attack on all that Muslims around the world hold dear.

By triple_bird_pro... - 12/28/06 - 1:23 pm

The show will be a reality comedy contest where local New England comics will compete to determine who is the funniest comic in New England. How will we determine the winner? Simple. We won’t. You will by voting on our web site ( for who you like the best each week. The show will be videotaped in comedy clubs all over New England and this is your chance to be in a live TV audience! Do you want to be on tv?