The MBTA announced today that New Bedford, Fall River and other South Coast points will get commuter-rail service starting on the morning of March 24 - for the first time in 65 years. Read more.
The Massachusetts Appeals Court today dismissed a charge of open and gross lewdness against a painter who disrobed and strolled through a client's home masturbating instead of painting, because current state law requires the physical presence of somebody to be "alarmed or shocked" and the homeowner only got alarmed or shocked later while reviewing video from her security cameras. Read more.
Video showing a four-car MBTA commuter-rail train being put through its paces in the Fall River area, using one T locomotive and two engines leased from Larry's Truck and Electric, a McDonald, OH company that specializes in used rail engines and equipment. Read more.
November 20, 2008 — EAST BOSTON — Struggling families and elders have support to help them obtain food stamp benefits in this tough economy. Project Bread, the state’s leading antihunger organization, has granted $30,600 to the American Red Cross, a community-based organization serving 300,000 people across 127 cities and towns in eastern Massachusetts. The grant enables the American Red Cross to help more families take advantage of the federal Food Stamp Program.
I was surprised to read this story on CNN & not the globe:
A 2005 study by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice looking at just four states -- Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Michigan -- found half a million children attending schools within half a mile of known toxic dumps.
The Outraged Liberal analyzes the latest out of New Beford; concludes the feds know exactly how to time a staged raid; the new staties need to seriously get their act together and
I admit it: I was dubious about Eileen McNamara's first New Bedford column, in which she said state officials failed the immigrants, because her assertion those o