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By adamg - 10/29/09 - 4:51 pm

The following is a statement by Suffolk County District Attorney Dan Conley on preliminary findings into the death of Jay Carciero, 37, of Reading, at 50 Staniford St. on Oct. 27:

By adamg - 10/27/09 - 3:49 pm

Boston Police report a psychiatric patient was fatally shot by an off-duty security guard after he attacked a doctor with a knife this afternoon in a Mass. General building on Staniford Street.

Police say the security guard, who does not work for Mass. General, shot Jay Carciero, 37, of Reading, "multiple times" after he had stabbed the doctor repeatedly. Both victims were taken to the nearby emergency room; he was pronounced dead, the doctor, identified by the Herald as Astrid Desrosiers, is in stable condition.

Channel 5 posts photos from the attack scene at 50 Staniford St., where Mass. General leases office space.

Police Commissioner Ed Davis talks about the violence.

This is the second knife attack in a Boston hospital in two days. On Sunday, somebody was stabbed in the neck in the Boston Medical Center emergency room. And it's the second attack of any kind at MGH - on Thursday, a man allegedly tried to rape a woman in a hospital restroom.

By adamg - 10/27/09 - 1:29 pm

David Flavell, charged with attacking and attempting to rape a woman in a Mass. General restroom on Thursday was ordered sent to a secure unit at Bridgewater State Hospital for observation for 20 days to determine whether he's competent for trial, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. He's next scheduled to appear in Boston Municipal Court on Nov. 16 for a status hearing.

By adamg - 10/23/09 - 7:51 am

Boston Police report David Flavell, 40, was arrested after allegedly attacking a woman in a hospital restroom. According to police:

Preliminary investigation, at this time, indicates that the victim was assaulted by the suspect but that no sexual assault occurred.

Flavell is scheduled for arraignment today in Boston Municipal Court on charges of assault with intent to rape and assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon.

Flavell was convicted in 1998 of assault with intent to rape and in 2001 on two counts of open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior, according to his record at the state Sexual Offender Registry, which lists him as a "a high risk to reoffend." In 2008, he was arrested on charges of assaulting a woman in a restroom at a Braintree bookstore. The Herald lists more charges against him.

His last listed address was 444 Harrison Ave. - the Pine Street Inn.

By adamg - 10/5/09 - 9:56 am

Mass. High Tech reports Jack W. Szostak won for his work in with telomerase and telomers, which help protect chromosomes.

By adamg - 6/21/09 - 12:07 pm

Unfortunately, John Cass has had to take his son to the MGH emergency room twice. But he reports the facility no longer feels like something out of Dickens:

... Instead of Victorian brick, we visited a newly designed 21st century facility, where triage happened within minutes at an individual nursing station, then registration with a clerk, before waiting in the children's waiting room for half an hour. The whole experience took 2-3 hours, and though could not be contrasted with our earlier visit which really was life threatening, was a whole lot better because of the new facilities and to me better organization. ...

By adamg - 5/19/09 - 4:36 pm

The Institute for Health Policy at The Massachusetts General Hospital is interested in how people are getting information about swine flu - and how you're dealing with the news. Take a ten-minute survey.

By adamg - 3/26/09 - 2:35 pm

Bay Windows has the scoop and talks to one of the 40 or 50 patients whose records were lost on the Red Line.

By adamg - 3/24/09 - 8:02 am

The Globe reports on the loss of data on 66 patients who'd been seen at an infectious-diseases clinic:

By adamg - 1/26/09 - 9:38 am

Paul Levy, CEO at Partners HealthCare frenemy Beth Israel Deaconess, reports he dismissed complaints from friends at Norwood Hospital about the MGH/Brigham clinic under construction in Foxboro - until this past Friday, when he gave a speech at a meeting at neighboring Gillette Stadium and was stunned to see how huge the thing is:

... [T]he two facilities are merely 8.5 miles apart, making them indistinguishable to many patients in terms of transportation access. Since insurance companies pay community doctors in the Partners system substantially more than those in the Caritas Christi system, it will be easier to recruit physicians to offer services in Foxboro than in Norwood. Does this difference in reimbursement rates reflect a documented difference in the quality of care between the community-based doctors in the two systems? No.

Now, let's acknowledge that MGH and the Brigham are powerful brands. To the extent patients are influenced by that reputation or other factors to migrate to the PHS facility from Norwood Hospital, the overall health care bill for the state will rise for no documented additional value to those patients or society. ...

By adamg - 12/30/08 - 8:47 am

Charley on the MTA recommends the Globe's latest story on our own little health-care cartel, and sums up what this and revelations about local doctors pushing pills while getting paid by the drug companies really means:

... Health care costs, particularly in MA, are not just high because of some vague, unknowable "market forces"; it isn't just that the Health Care Invisible Hand mysteriously keeps us all under its thumb, and gosh golly, after all There's Nothing That Can Be Done.

No, it's simpler than that. We're actively, intentionally, unethically and possibly illegally getting screwed.

By adamg - 11/24/08 - 10:48 pm

Paul Levy at Beth Israel Deaconess discusses the full-page ad Brigham and Women's and Mass. General took out in the Globe today to tell us how wonderful they are (no doubt out of a sense of bursting pride, not because of a Globe Spotlight article on how they are using their muscle to boost their reimbursement rates).

By adamg - 11/16/08 - 1:14 pm

The Globe reports part of the reason is doctors and we insist on care at MGH, Brigham and Women's and Children's, not just for fancy-shmancy cases but for everything - and they are so big now they can get away with charging dramatically higher rates than community hospitals and even other teaching hospitals in the region:

... [T]he high-end procedures that make the Brigham and Mass. General so famous are not their bread and butter. Eighty-five percent of the time their doctors are performing the same less glamorous medicine that occupies most other hospitals: delivering babies, repairing hernias, treating pneumonia. ...

By adamg - 6/8/08 - 6:32 pm

The New York Times documents what might be a conflict-of-interest scandal among certain Harvard Medical School psychiatrists, notably one who helped create a huge new market for anti-psychotic drugs in children who somehow managed not to report most of the $1.6 million he got paid by drug companies to university officials.

By adamg - 11/3/07 - 9:34 am

"On September 7, Rick had a biopsy and it was clear that he had a malignant tumor." In this Flickr set, he photographs his battle - and treatment at Mass. General.

By adamg - 3/24/07 - 5:13 pm

Burrito Blog confirms that Anna's Taqueria is opening at Mass. General Hospital.

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