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Guardian Angels

By adamg - 10/12/10 - 7:29 am

Nothing at all to do with headlines about quadruple murders, organizer insists:

"We didn't want to make it seem like we're capitalizing on a bad event," Grace said. "That would have been impeccably bad timing if we did."

For now, the group is putting volunteers on the street from Brockton and Florida, until they can find Boston volunteers who aren't convicted sex offenders.

By adamg - 10/9/07 - 10:29 am

TS responds to an ambulance call on the Common placed by one; label him unimpressed.

By adamg - 8/1/07 - 3:18 pm

You might want to change that "Coming in July" graphic on your un-Web site (or, even better, just re-direct the whole thing to zombocom).

Speaking of Web things that have disappeared into the ether, looks like the Guardian Angels haven't updated their blog since June. 'Sup, guys?

By adamg - 4/29/07 - 8:12 pm

Well, OK, they allow as how maybe the cops had something to do with the arrests but that:

.. The short press release from the BPD mirrors exactly the information we passed along to them after receiving a tip from someone in the community. ...

By adamg - 4/14/07 - 3:32 pm

Because if you read this Globe story about the Guardian Angel who might really be a Guardian Fallen Angel and grew curious about who he was, you could just turn to the Herald to learn his name and see his mug (for that matter, you could have learned about him by watching Channel 5 last night).

By adamg - 4/1/07 - 10:45 am

The Guardian Angels write on their Boston Herald blog:

It's incumbent upon the mayor and police commissioner to send in a shock force and stop these guys. Five-O needs to start frisking the gang-bangers and see how quickly it stops the violence.

Yes, ignoring the Constitution worked really well the last time Boston tried it.

By adamg - 3/31/07 - 7:45 am

Charley on the MTA says two words: Guardian Angels:

... Those #$%$#%# berets are the worst possible advertising Boston could ask for. So how can we say we don't need more real cops instead of the make-believe-ninjas from NYC? ...

By adamg - 3/30/07 - 10:09 am

Not only did metro columnists Brian McGrory and Adrian Walker deal with violent crime this week, but today State House columnist (and fight breaker-upper) Scott Lehigh and business columnist Steve Bailey pile on (although John Daley

By adamg - 3/30/07 - 7:41 am

In a city where the police think helicopters are an answer to crime, Third Decade welcomes the Guardian Angels back to Boston:

By adamg - 3/29/07 - 8:07 pm

In fact, Shawn McCormack explains why the Guardian Angels remind him of the Ku Klux Klan and worries what will happen on the Orange Line:

... You now have a group of citizens, with 3 whole months of "martial arts" training, an ax to grind, and a sense of entitlement riding the subways like they have some right to tell you what to do.

By adamg - 3/28/07 - 4:45 pm

Curtis Sliwa, who will make sure the cameras are rolling before he gets off the plane from New York tomorrow to proclaim a New City Order, says torturing terror suspects is OK, that women should not express opinions in groups because all those hormones cloud their brains and that he wouldn't mind taking a baseball bat to Rosie O'Donnell "like a pinata." What's not to like?

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