By adamg - 9/28/18 - 5:53 pm

UPDATE: Emerson reports the event has been moved to "a more secure location," but doesn't say where. The Globe says maybe City Hall Plaza.

Emerson College, which owns the Colonial Theatre, says it plans to exercise its landlord's prerogative to have Monday's talk by Sen. Jeff Flake and Ohio Governor John Kasich canceled or moved somewhere off college property. In a letter to the college, Emerson President Lee Pelton writes this afternoon: Read more.

By adamg - 8/18/18 - 11:59 pm

Robert Todd was found dead today in Franklin Park, where family and friends had reported he'd been last seen entering on Thursday.

Read more.

Emerson display
By adamg - 12/1/17 - 9:12 pm

Joshua Fabian was among those who watched tonight as Emerson took the wraps off its new art display on what had just been a lot of tarp covering the Little Building at Tremont and Boylston streets as it undergoes renovation work.

By adamg - 9/26/17 - 9:59 pm

A federal judge today dismissed a Title IX lawsuit against Emerson College, saying the college properly investigated a student's rape and harassment allegations that Boston and Cambridge police found not credible. Read more.

By adamg - 4/28/17 - 9:04 am

Emerson College Police report the Alley is shut because of a gas leak and is warning people to stay away.

The college is currently building a 374-bed, 20-story dormitory on one side of the Alley, where the Estate and the Sweetwater Cafe used to be.

By adamg - 1/15/17 - 3:41 pm

If BU and Northeastern have Green Line stops named for them, why not Emerson? Three students in a civic design and art class at Emerson have collected more than 700 names on an online petition urging the T to rename the Boylston stop as Emerson College. Read more.

By adamg - 11/10/16 - 6:57 pm

A few weeks after antenna problems waylaid WBZ over the air, Emerson's WERS is reporting antenna problems that is knocking it off the air. The Emerson station reports, however, its online livestream is working fine.

By adamg - 10/31/16 - 1:04 pm

Workers on an Emerson dorm dropped in for a visit with the kids at the Children's Center in the Transportation Building today.

By adamg - 4/23/16 - 10:14 pm

Emerson students were asked about their school's new logo, unveiled this week.

Paramount Theater marquee on Washington Street in downtown Boston
By adamg - 3/15/16 - 4:49 pm

Looks like the marquee at Emerson's Parmount Theater has finally realized Felt will never answer it back and so has turned its attention to the coffee sippers across Washington Street at Caffe Nero.

By adamg - 3/3/16 - 1:12 pm

Emerson College today announced plans to turn the building between the old Alley and the theater on Boylston Street into a new student dining center - to go along with the 18-story dorm the college is building there.

That's good news for fans of the old Colonial, which the college had initially looked at as space for a new student center/feeding facility. Read more.

By adamg - 2/1/16 - 6:12 pm

BostInno reports on both his alleged infraction and the online campaign to support him.

By adamg - 1/22/16 - 7:55 am

This is YUGE: The Donald endorsed Emerson College this week after an Emerson-based poll showed him leading in Iowa:

Emerson College, very important, great college.

By adamg - 1/2/15 - 9:49 am

UPDATE: Judge dismisses case.

An Emerson student who says school officials dismissed her story of being raped by a fellow Emerson student and an MIT student in October has filed a federal lawsuit against the college. Read more.

By adamg - 11/14/14 - 8:01 am

Associated Press reports Emerson officials are trying to find whoever's scrawling swastikas in campus buildings.

By adamg - 8/13/14 - 10:22 am

An Emerson student who says she was raped by a fellow student in 2012 is suing the college under federal equal-education and crime-reporting laws.

By adamg - 4/29/14 - 8:39 am

Since January, a group of Emerson College journalism students have been covering East Boston news at All Things Eastie.

Also see:
East Boston Online.