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Buddy Cianci

By adamg - 6/12/07 - 8:48 am

Sure, Buddy Cianci wound up back in Providence, but wouldn't he make just the greatest on-air partner for Tom Finneran on WRKO? Jeff Keating says it'd be a win-win:

... By all accounts, Buddy is a real personality, he’s got tons of radio experience, and WRKO is clearly looking for someone to partner Tom up with. Heck, they're both convicted felons! Sounds like a perfect marriage to me.

By adamg - 6/8/07 - 5:00 pm

Whoa! Instead of convincing would-be guests it'd be criminal not to stay at the swanky XV Beacon hotel in Boston, two-times-a-felon Buddy Cianci is working out his halfway issues at some condo project in Providence, Channel 10 in Providence reports:

... The job was arranged through former Providence Mayor Joseph Paolino, whose property management company is part-owner of the condominium development, the Associated Press reported.

By adamg - 5/22/07 - 5:05 pm

OK, obviously I'm going over the deep end obsessing about the wonderfulness of a character like Buddy Cianci moving to Boston, but, well, see, some of you may remember how I bought three plush e. coli bacteria for a TV death pool that nobody won and they're still in our foyer closet and the saner members of the household want to know when I'm getting rid of them, so:

Now that Buddy Cianci is becoming the live-in shill for 15 Beacon (technically, XV Beacon, but please):

Come up with the best idea for how Buddy can pitch the hotel and win a stuffed bacterium, something like:

Buddy stands in the lobby and screams at the camera: "So come on down! Take it from me: It'd be criminal not to!"

If I get more than three entries, I'll put it to a vote; the top three winners will each get one of these things. Post your entry as a reply here or mail it to me by noon EDT, Thursday, May 24.

Note: That's an image of one of the stuffed bacteria, not of Buddy Cianci, but, hey, turn it upside down and you have Buddy in a windstorm!

Fine print: Employees of Universal Hub and its subsidiaries and their families are not eligible, although like I said, the family members all want me to get rid of these bacteria, not keep them, so I don't think we have to worry about that. Void where prohibited by law. Decisions of the judges are final, unless you threaten us with a fireplace log or a lit cigarette. We don't like pain.
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