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By adamg - 10/7/07 - 7:58 pm

Spoilermatt avoids getting covered in asbestos as he videos the ruptured New Chardon Street steam pipe:

By adamg - 10/6/07 - 6:32 pm

The Globe reports:

A three-story apartment building on New Chardon Street was evacuated today after a steam line ruptured beneath the road outside and possibly released asbestos into the air, the Boston Fire Department said. ...

Prediction: Tom Menino will say "enough is enough" and demand that Trigen actually do something about its exploding steam pipes.

Way back on Sept. 12:
Steam pipe explodes in Financial District.

By adamg - 9/12/07 - 4:16 pm

Oh, joy: The pipe, covered with asbestos, showered brown sludge on four people, who had to wait for a hazmat team to arrive and decontaminate them before they could be taken to the hospital.

The Herald has more on the 11:45 a.m. explosion.

By adamg - 6/1/07 - 3:52 pm

As the Herald reports, Tom Menino is ready to blow his top over recent steam explosions out of pipes owned by Trigen-Boston.

Observations from the Underbelly writes that even when not emulating Vesuvius, the steam just smells bad:

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