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By adamg - 7/1/24 - 10:29 am
Turtle in the grass, alas

Turtle in the grass, alas

A concerned citizen files a 311 request that somebody come rescue the turtle that is now shelling around where it doesn't belong, in the Public Garden lagoon: Read more.

By adamg - 6/12/24 - 12:50 pm

WBUR reports on the New England Aquarium's oldest resident.

By adamg - 6/6/24 - 11:52 am
Sad looking turtle face

Mary Ellen reports that she and Dolly the Dog came across four egg-laying turtles along the Charles River in Millennium Park in West Roxbury yesterday (and that she and Dolly kept a good distance and didn't linger so as not to stress them).

By adamg - 5/28/24 - 12:22 pm

At 11:20 a.m., the MBTA reported delays of up to 15 minutes on the Riverside Line as workers "assisted a turtle from the tracks" at Chestnut Hill.

Green Line stopped due to baby ducks.

By adamg - 3/16/24 - 5:24 pm
Pair of turtles that had climbed into the sun at Jamaica Pond

This afternoon, there were at least five turtles that climbed out of the water for some sun at the traditional turtle sunning spot on the northernish side of Jamaica Pond, including these two, which got a bit more vertical than the three lazing about on a more horizontal tree branch.

By adamg - 10/2/23 - 9:17 pm
Turtles on a rock in the sun at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir

Sundaram snapped some turtles soaking in the sun at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir in Brighton today.

By adamg - 6/10/23 - 11:35 am
Turtle atop grate covering the Muddy River supply pipe in Jamaica Pond

The other day a turtle lazed atop the grate that covers the start of the Muddy River: The siphon pipe at the northern end of Jamaica Pond that sends water under Perkins Street to Wards Pond.

By adamg - 5/9/23 - 10:21 am
Turtles at Jamaica Pond, most with smooth shells

As you can see, most of the turtles at Jamaica Pond have relatively smooth shells. But look at Chunker in the lower right.

A close up: Read more.

By adamg - 4/9/23 - 9:32 am
Turtle in Jamaica Pond

A turtle basked in the afternoon sun at Jamaica Pond yesterday.

By adamg - 6/15/22 - 9:37 am
Snapping turtle in Alewife Brook Reservation

Where does a snapping turtle go? Anywhere it wants, Maria M finds in Alewife Brook Reservation in Cambridge.

Copyright Maria M. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 5/28/22 - 10:33 am
Turtle at Jamaica Pond

One of the larger turtles in Jamaica Pond took in some sun yesterday at the pond's main turtle haven.

By adamg - 4/23/22 - 8:42 pm
Lots of turtles at Jamaica Pond

The turtles were out in force at Jamaica Pond today. In addition to the premium location on the branches near the northern end of the pond, like the guys above, there were turtles along the parkway and even on a bunch of downed branches along Parkman Drive that geese had made their own - until today, at least.

By adamg - 9/4/21 - 7:09 pm
Heron preens while turtles watch

A great blue heron preened itself while a couple of turtles watched its every move on Jamaica Pond this afternoon (even more turtles watched from the other side on what is normally the pond's turtle log).

By adamg - 7/18/21 - 7:32 pm
Turtle and green heron at Millennium Park in West Roxbury

Mary Ellen spotted this odd couple - a turtle and a green heron - at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today.

By adamg - 5/28/21 - 10:26 pm
Coyote at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted this coyote at Millennium Park in West Roxbury yesterday morning.

But Wile E. was not the only creature she photographically captured there, including this snapping turtle he'll probably stay away from: Read more.

By adamg - 4/19/21 - 5:55 pm
A lot of turtles at Jamaica Pond

It was turtles, turtles everywhere at Jamaica Pond today, at least on the one downed tree limb that is the premier turtle lounging spot.

By adamg - 6/6/20 - 2:13 pm
Snapping turtles in West Roxbury

Roving UHub photographer Mary Ellen spotted a pair of snapping turtles down by the river in Millennium Park today, and you know what they say about snappers and broomsticks (even if those stories aren't true).

By adamg - 10/3/19 - 11:16 am

Jamaica Plain News reports Zoo New England has been using Franklin Park to train Koda to find eastern box turtles, an increasingly rare species in New England, so that researchers can better figure out ways to keep them around.

By adamg - 9/7/19 - 9:33 pm
Snapping turtle at Arnold Arboretum

The ponds at the Arboretum all have signs around them warning people they're home to snapping turtles and to enjoy them from afar. Read more.

By adamg - 8/15/19 - 8:00 pm
Turtle at Jamaica Pond

This turtle climbed up on the oversized bathtub drain at the northern end of Jamaica Pond this afternoon to get some sun, but then seemed to want to figure out if it could balance on it using just its shell.

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