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By adamg - 8/20/24 - 2:11 pm

A hardcore band that loves having its fans climb on stage got the Paradise, 967 Commonwealth Ave., hauled before the Boston Licensing Board this morning to explain how one of those fans wound up with head injuries in a tumble from the stage. Read more.

By adamg - 7/16/19 - 11:29 am

After performing at the Paradise on April 18, members of Crown the Empire were walking out to their tour bus when some rando outside walked up to member Brent Taddie, asked "You wanna fight?" and then, before Taddie could answer, punched him in the right side of his head, Paradise officials and police told the Boston Licensing Board this morning. Read more.

By adamg - 12/13/16 - 12:01 pm

A petulant woman struggling to get to the front of a concert at the Paradise on Oct. 19 decided one way to clear her way was to get a small cannister of Mace out from her purse and start spraying the people around her, police and venue officials told the Boston Licensing Board today. Read more.

By Ron Newman - 5/5/09 - 2:39 pm

Live Nation has sold the Orpheum, Opera House, and Paradise to newly-organized Opera House Ventures LLC, owned by concert promoter Don Law and Star Market heir David Mugar.

The Orpheum is 157 years old, and in such deplorable condition that any reasonable person should be ashamed to own it. Don and David, will you please invest some money and some TLC into making it habitable again?

By adamg - 1/19/08 - 11:26 am

Sooz posts photos from last night's Rodfest benefit concert at the Paradise.

By adamg - 7/29/07 - 9:34 am

Jim Sullivan reports he was using the facilities at the Paradise on Friday when he noticed who was a couple urinals away: Sting:

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