Copley Plaza Hotel lit up for New Year's Eve
By adamg - 12/31/16 - 11:19 am

617Images shows us the Fairmont Copley Plaza last night while they were testing their New Year's Eve display.

By adamg - 4/20/15 - 9:20 am

Dvdoff was in the Copley Plaza this morning as the elite runners got a sendoff before boarding a bus for the Marathon starting line in Hopkinton.

By adamg - 8/27/07 - 4:11 pm

Boston Police report arresting two maids at the Copley Plaza for allegedly making off with $100,000 worth of jewelry yesterday from guests at a Saturday wedding:

By adamg - 8/27/07 - 2:30 pm

Boston Police report arresting an alleged dom and her business associate at 20 Leicester St. on Friday evening after a series of exploratory phone calls: