By adamg - 7/18/06 - 5:19 pm

Kimberly Atkins has the details of Romney's formal effort to remove Matt Amorello from office - which also includes a suit by three Romney appointees to the turnpike board against Amore

By adamg - 7/17/06 - 9:23 pm

Massachusetts GOP News posts three Amorello limericks - and none involve "Nantucket."

By adamg - 7/17/06 - 12:58 pm

What would the Big Dig debacle be without a Big Dig Debacle blog?

Universal Hub's own Big Dig page.

By adamg - 7/17/06 - 8:54 am

Jason Butler lives in MetroWest, works on Congress Street. He reports:

By adamg - 7/14/06 - 2:33 pm

Harold M. Clemons casts a Roxbury eye on the Big Dig scandal:

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 10:35 pm

Because nobody died on Lay's watch, Christine argues, suggesting that instead of a payment to make Amorello go away, the state should exile him to some remote Boston Harbor island.

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 4:41 pm

This morning, Dan Kennedy predicted more bad Big Dig news before we're through.

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 8:26 am

Follow the money, John Daley suggests: Specifically, the money flowing from Big Dig contractors to our best and brightest on Beacon Hill, including newly outraged Tom Re

By adamg - 7/12/06 - 9:28 pm

Amy reports that even before Monday's ceiling collapse, her grandmother refused to visit her cousin who lives in Revere because it would have meant driving

By adamg - 7/12/06 - 10:17 am

Tim Lavallee took a deep breath then drove home via the Big Dig last night:

By adamg - 7/11/06 - 9:51 pm

Out there on the Other Coast, SFWillie manages to find a connection between the Big Dig tragedy and Barry Bonds's home-run record: Both involve cheating.

By adamg - 7/11/06 - 5:01 pm

Friday18 and her husband used to work for a materials testing company - hired to test construction material on certain very large public-works projects in the Boston, many involving the same company responsible for the part of the Big Dig tunnel with th

By djpare - 7/11/06 - 2:56 pm

The tragic story of the car being crushed last night in one of the Big Dig tunnels got me thinking...
I am not sure that I believe in a God, certainly not one that most organized religions feel the need to pray to, and worse, fear. But, I know that I believe in something, some force (no Star Wars jokes, please...)out there stronger than you and I that is playing a part in our lives, maybe keeping a balance between good and bad, right and wrong. Maybe something like Karma...
Now, I am not in any way saying that the poor woman who was killed by that giant block of falling cement had it coming or had lived her life in a way that would have some bad karma due to her. But, it does make me think that life can't be totally random. She was in the passenger seat of that car and the driver was able to walk away from this incident with nothing but scratches. Physically unscathed that is...I'm sure he is going to have some emotional trauma to deal with for a long time to come from such a horrifying ordeal.

By adamg - 7/11/06 - 1:13 pm

Breaking news: Mitt Romney to try to oust Matt Amorello; says nobody can feel safe in the tunnel system right now: "I don't have any confidence in this individual."

By adamg - 7/11/06 - 8:35 am

Saying the ceiling collapse happened in "the oldest" part of a ten-year-old tunnel doesn't fill us with much confidence, Mr. Amorello, so please stop saying that.

Your comments after the photo of the turnpike/Ted Williams Tunnel connector (collapsed ceiling-tile tunnel on the left) - photo via MassGIS OLIVER:

Closed connector

By adamg - 9/29/05 - 8:08 pm

Carpundit is not surprised that the turnpike authority will be increasing tolls and wants to extend the tollbooths to I-93: