WBZ reports Williams, who has been with the station for 39 years, will continue to serve as a substitute anchor and will continue his work on "Wednesday's Child."
Jack Williams
Maybe the same person who thought it would be a good idea to have Williams and Lisa Hughes anchor the news while standing outside in the station parking lot. Williams, being a man's man, of course, just stood there without a hat. They finally got him back inside, and by the looks of things just in time - his face was bright red.
Hanover and Prince posts video of a Channel 4 reporter in a van and some anonymous Masshole pedestrian exchanging pleasantries during a live report. Jack Williams's reaction to some on-air f-bombing is priceless.
Last night, at the end of the 11 o'clock newscast, Jack Williams answered viewer e-mail. One was from a woman who wondered why the TV crews went berserk covering that Needham murder but don't seem to show a similar amount of urgency in covering murders in inner-city Boston.
Williams, in that stentorian voice of his, said Channel 4 went into Crisis Emergency Mode because Needham schools were locked down and the station will always play up any story involving a possible public-safety issue.