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Hynes Convention Center

By adamg - 3/1/10 - 3:25 pm

Boston Police report close to 6,000 brides-to-be and vendors have signed up for an alleged Spring Home and Bridal Show at the Hynes Convention Center this weekend that will not, in fact, go on.

The Massachusetts Convention Center Authority says no such show has been scheduled at the Hynes:

If you have paid to be an exhibitor or purchased a ticket, please contact Dennis Callahan at 617-954-2018 [email protected] for more information.

By jeffcutler - 4/16/09 - 5:47 pm

As we were told yesterday at the RoboBusiness Conference, multi-function robots with advanced location awareness and interactivity aren’t on their way anytime soon.

But according to Paolo Pirjanian, President and CEO of Evolution Robotics, we’re getting closer every day.

During his keynote this morning (Thursday) titled The Next Generation of Smart Robots, Pirjanian showed films of robot vacuums, cars, tanks and helicopters interacting in ways you might never imagine.

By jeffcutler - 4/15/09 - 9:53 am

Looking for a robot that will clean your house and take care of the kids? It’s not going to happen anytime soon according to Tandy Trower, General Manager of Microsoft.

Trower, the founder of Microsoft’s robotics initiative, told a crowd of RoboBusiness Conference attendees this morning at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston.

“We have a lot of work to do in this area,” said Trower.

While there are great innovations in the robotics field, Trower said that many of these advances are still locked away in university labs and libraries.

By adamg - 1/23/09 - 9:57 pm
Bill Lee

Think "municipal finance" and Bill Lee probably won't be the first person to come to mind. But there he was today at the Massachusetts Municipal Association meeting at the Hynes, where Paul Keleher photographed him.

Posted under Creative Commons.

By adamg - 6/23/08 - 11:22 am

Lyss posts photos of striking concession workers outside the Hynes; reports they were difficult to understand and that their fliers didn't much help to make their issues any clearer.

By adamg - 11/9/07 - 6:21 pm

Just the thing for a Friday afternoon. Did you get stuck in the resulting Boylston Street mess?

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