By adamg - 5/24/18 - 1:47 pm

The college announced the change today; says it's reorganizing around four new undergraduate colleges that will remain women only, along with its existing graduate programs that are already open to men.

The new colleges, which will include the Gwen Ifill College of Media, Arts, and Humanities are the result of a planning and "visioning" process that began in 2011.

By adamg - 11/6/14 - 2:47 pm

The Hub reports a Simmons College student was grabbed from behind around 11:45 p.m.

By adamg - 6/27/12 - 5:20 pm

Simmons College says if only it had known what the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association was printing in its bi-monthly newspaper, it never would have taken out ads in it.

By thezak - 11/18/07 - 12:41 pm

> by Michele Cloonan
> It is our duty as citizens of the Commonwealth to ensure that these
> ideals do not disappear. The BPL has been there for us for the last
> 150 years. We must support it so that it may continue to support
> us. It must maintain its place among the other preeminent cultural