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Tufts University

By adamg - 3/29/13 - 11:42 am

The Boston Licensing Board yesterday ordered a three-day suspension for the Grand Canal on Canal Street due to an incident in December in which bouncer Sidney Phillips was charged with punching a patron in the mouth.

By adamg - 3/26/13 - 2:15 pm

Officials at the Westin Copley Place say that drunken Tufts students who left the hotel lobby filled with empty nips and urine in February have forced it to increase security for all future college events. Well, except for the Tufts Winter Bash, which they said they will never allow back, even if the university decides to rescind its decision to cancel it permanently.

By adamg - 2/19/13 - 4:14 pm

Tufts University officials are aghast at an annual "Winter Bash" event earlier this month that ended with up to 20 students so drunk paramedics were kept busy "trying to make sure you didn't die" and with large numbers of students who vomited and pissed all over the place - two of them right in the hotel lobby - and who just generally treated hotel and university staffers like shit.

Dean of Student Affairs Bruce Reitman adds:

By adamg - 5/4/12 - 11:23 am

Tufts Daily chronicles the men's crew team, which was suspended for T-shirts reading "Check out our cox" after somebody complained that promoted "a culture of rape and sexual aggression," then unsuspended after the university president said the university did not want to infringe on "free expression" and that the real issue was that the team printed up unauthorized T shirts, not about whatever message they were sending with the slogan, and besides, the guys apologized.

By adamg - 3/21/12 - 3:19 pm

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today Tufts University had every right to bar the door to a lecture to a veterinarian who'd refused to pay its veterinary school for treating her horse.

The state's highest court ruled that at issue was strictly a non-paid bill, not any attempt to get at Margo Roman because she holds a different philosophy on veterinary care than her counterparts at the university veterinary school.

By adamg - 11/17/09 - 9:00 am

Tufts Daily reports police officers responding to a fire alarm in one dorm entered one student's room to find no student but: "a marijuana cigarette on a computer tray; a plastic bag with what appeared to be hallucinogenic mushrooms; four plastic baggies with marijuana; two boxes of full, unused CO2 cartridges, numbering approximately 40 cartridges; and two pieces of a pipe that screwed together with a balloon on one end. They also discovered a box with 150 used CO2 cartridges."

If only the dorm were on the Medford side of the campus: In addition to citations for drug possession, the room's occupant will be cited for possessing inhalants, which is illegal in Somerville, where the dorm is located.

By adamg - 11/12/09 - 9:28 am

Somebody at Tufts thought so: Behind one building, the university has a set of steps that were supposedly designed to let a woman outrun a male attacker.

By adamg - 10/6/09 - 12:56 pm

Tufts Daily reports some university employees were forced to go home early over the weekend when the school shut down computers across the campus to try to wrest back control from hackers who managed to take over dozens of computers.

Interestingly, most of the computers belonged to Tufts professors and staffers, not students.

By adamg - 10/1/09 - 3:35 pm

By moving students with flu-like symptoms into quarantine rooms and wearing masks. Oh, wait, you thought I was going to write about, oh, never mind.

BU sets up quarantine rooms for students with the flu.

By adamg - 9/28/09 - 10:24 am

Tufts Daily reports Jumbo U. has a new policy that prohibits students from having sex in their dorm rooms if their roommate is present. Seems Tufts doesn't have many places for couples in lust to be alone, because there were "a significant number of complaints" about roomie sex last year. College officials emphasize the rule is meant to foster open communication between roommates, to try to head off formal complaints to the school.

Via Wicked Local Somerville.

By adamg - 10/24/08 - 8:04 am

Sometimes requires bellowing right back at them until somebody in a position of actual authority overhears you, Mike Ball reports.

By adamg - 8/12/08 - 4:08 pm

Middlesex County DA details the case against two Tufts employees charged with extracting $1 million in college funds for trips to Paris, Las Vegas and other locations, Madonna tickets, shopping sprees at Hermes and purchases at Whole Foods.

Innocent until proven big spenders.

By adamg - 4/26/08 - 10:01 am

The MBTA is about to embark on an expensive, time-consuming effort to change New England Medical Center to Tufts Medical Center on all its maps and at the station itself. Although the T has asked Tufts to help pay for the work, Steve Garfield doesn't get it:

Why add the Tufts branding to the T signs? If they want to purchase naming rights, have them pay.

Otherwise, just get some white paint and white stickers and change the name from New England Medical Center to Medical Center.

Like on this map on the Orange Line at Downtown Crossing? Maybe they could apply some of that white paint to the Arborway line while they're at it.

Arborway line?
By adamg - 4/24/08 - 9:04 am

Firefighters can get in on the action, as well, and they are just as effective as their blue counterparts, Rob Bellinger reports.

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