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Somerville Journal

By adamg - 9/15/08 - 2:45 pm

Bob Trane, an alderman and state-rep candidate is thinking of suing the Somerville Journal over an editorial cartoon (Somerville News version).

By adamg - 1/28/08 - 7:33 pm

Somerville Journal Editor Kathleen Powers posted today that the paper has turned off commenting on its online stories until after it figures out how to block "repeated offenders who wish to spread ignorance, fear and lots of profanity."

Via Davis Square LiveJournal, where users are debating the news (since they can't do so on Powers's post).

By adamg - 12/11/07 - 3:46 pm

The Somerville Journal pulls back the covers on the annual Naked Quad Run at Tufts, held last night (for all the nudity, not a whole lot to actually see, if you know what I mean, but probably something best viewed in the privacy of your own home):

The Naked Truth | NQR's history marred in rumor and conjecture - Tufts Daily makes it sound pretty boring.

That $5 offer for a naked butt or otherwise weird thing on Google Maps still outstanding.

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