By adamg - 4/29/24 - 11:36 am

A group of Rockport residents yesterday filed a federal lawsuit against the way their town is planning on moving forward with rezoning to comply with a state mandate to increase allowable housing density near MBTA stations (federal courts let people file suits even on Sundays). Read more.

By adamg - 10/19/22 - 10:09 pm

A couple of guys from Brockton and Rockport were sentenced to federal prison today for a phone-based hacking scheme to steal people's social-media accounts and then use those to grab some cryptocurrency. Read more.

Milkway over the Atlantic from Rockport
By adamg - 6/16/21 - 4:32 pm

Rick Macomber captured the Milky Way from Rockport the other night.

By adamg - 7/8/20 - 9:44 am

People living near Rockport's Back Beach say they're tired of what they say are politically connected and often malevolent Scuba divers, who clang their metal air tanks at all hours, get naked in the street, block driveways, toss their trash on people's lawns and dox or threaten residents who complain. Read more.

By adamg - 11/11/19 - 2:27 pm

NBC Boston reports somebody in France found and replied to a message a then kid in Rockport put in a bottle nine years ago.

Aurora in Rockport
By adamg - 7/17/17 - 9:23 am

Tamas K-L reports he took this around 10:30 p.m. in Rockport.

By adamg - 7/16/14 - 11:52 am

In a decision that hinged on copies of deeds and maps dating to 1813 - and in particular, an 1819 map - the Massachusetts Appeals Court ruled today the public has the right to walk atop a seawall that a Rockport shopkeeper has been trying to keep shut.

Dawn over Thacher Island
By adamg - 6/13/14 - 8:16 am

Joey Ciaramitaro captured the sunrise over Thacher Island the other day.

Copyright Joey Ciaramitaro. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 1/28/13 - 7:34 am

Good Morning Gloucester posts a nice photo of a snowy owl, with a sad coda:

By adamg - 10/21/12 - 9:21 am

Good Morning Gloucester has numerous exclusive photos, should you have the desire to see a dead whale on rocks;

By rockportlegionband - 4/22/11 - 10:38 pm

The Rockport Legion Band, one of Massachusetts' oldest community bands, announces the release of its second CD, titled "Parade!".

By adamg - 12/19/10 - 7:18 pm


By rockportlegionband - 11/12/10 - 7:11 pm

The Rockport Legion Band announces the dates for their annual holiday programs. There will be two performances, the first on Friday, December 3 at the Rockport Methodist Church; the second on Thursday, December 9 at the Rockport Congregational Church..

By rockportlegionband - 8/15/10 - 10:09 pm

The Rockport Legion Band will present the seventh concert of its 2010 Summer Series on Sunday, August 22 at 7:00 P.M.

By rockportlegionband - 8/13/10 - 5:56 pm

Drive an hour and come up for the day. Enjoy Rockport, then stay a bit late. The Rockport Legion Band will present the sixth concert in its 2010 concert series on the band stand at Rockport's Back Beach.

By adamg - 5/30/10 - 12:03 am

The Coast Guard reports rescuing two men from cold waters nine miles north of Rockport after their boat sank around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday.

By adamg - 1/14/10 - 8:57 am

Steve Borichevsky shoots a sequence of photos.

By adamg - 9/6/09 - 10:16 am
They could call them Crayaks

Beth Peardon photographs some waiting kayaks in Rockport.

Copyright Beth Peardon. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.