Dukakis makes a point
By adamg - 10/10/12 - 4:41 pm

Work officially began today on a project to restore the Muddy River to something closer to what Olmsted might recognize - and to reduce the odds of another devastating flood along the normally placid series of brooks and ponds at the heart of the Emeral

By adamg - 9/24/09 - 8:46 am

Jay Fitzgerald ponders the crowning of a guy most of us have never heard of as our Temporary Senator:

With an unerring instinct for political disaster, Deval Patrick looks like he's going with Paul Kirk -- and Patrick will look like a first-rate incompetent weenie as a result. He'll come across as having caved to the mildest criticism of Dukakis and the slightest hint a Dukakis appointment might be used as a campaign issue. He'll come across as having buckled to the wishes of the out-of-state Kennedy family and D.C. insiders. He should have cut his losses and just gone with the Duke. ...

By adamg - 1/25/08 - 2:22 pm

Were we the only ones who sat through that speech wondering where they got that weird shade of blue?