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Columbus Center

By adamg - 8/31/10 - 6:42 pm

The US Attorney's office reports on federal charges against Martin Raffol, an executive at the company that sought millions in state subsidies for its now failed $800-million Columbus Center project.

By adamg - 9/20/09 - 10:16 am

The Globe asked local designers to come up with alternatives for the Filene's Hole and other vacant construction sites around town. "A vertical algae-powered bioreactor?" Sure, why not?

By adamg - 10/29/08 - 10:40 am

The Herald reports City Councilor and prominent Dianne Wilkerson supporter Chuck Turner has been subpoenaed as part of the federal investigation into Sen. Dianne Wilkerson (and props to the Herald editor who came up with the "BUSTED" headline atop one of those surveillance photos).

By adamg - 5/1/08 - 12:34 pm

The South End News reports the moneyless developers of Columbus Center will do some "minimal work" at their hole in the ground to keep the hole "in play" should they suddenly find a winning Red Sox scratch ticket or otherwise find the money to actually turn the hole into a development.

By adamg - 3/27/08 - 11:54 am

The South End News explains all the financial folderol about the $800-million Columbus Center project you may have seen over the weekend: The project could be pining for the fjords:

"While we still kind of have hopes for the project," [Turnpike Authority spokesman Mac Daniel] said, "it looks like it's being put on hold."

Like, for at least 18 months. The turnpike authority is involved because the luxo-condo project would sit on a deck atop the Mass. Pike.

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