The Globe reports Woburn officials have given the Middlesex County DA's office evidence with which to bring possible charges against three out-of-town cops for their behavior at a protest against non-police flaggers last week.
The police unions figure out a way to get around Deval Patrick's detail proposal and he figures out a way to get around them, at least on state road projects.
Outraged Liberal: He's come a long way, baby:
... Patrick's win reflects sound coalition-building politics. He worked with House Speaker Sal DiMasi and Senate President Terry Murray to present a united front in pursuing the change. And he didn't walk away, like Bill Weld, when the pressure was raised and loophole maneuvers commenced.
Obviously this latest move in the chess match will anger public employee unions. But with a looming ballot test on continuation of the state's income tax, Patrick and state leaders need to show they are doing their best to tackle spending. ...
Ed. note to Boston city councilors: You might want to remind your staffers to talk very quietly on Acela trains from New York, because you never know who might have no choice to hear them talking about the proper quotes their boss should give the Globe about the issue - because they don't realize just how loud they are. Bonus fun: You might want to ask any of your people if they were two cars ahead of the cafe car on the 6:03 p.m. train yesterday.
Iron Bowl, originally from Singapore, explains why he's in favor of keeping police in charge of directing traffic around street construction:
Only Massachusetts requires police details at road work sites. Boston drivers are from Massachusetts. Coincidence? DrivingLikeAss.Com thinks not.