But not the same location it left in 2020, Boston Restaurant Talk reports.
A federal judge last week dismissed Legal Sea Foods' lawsuit against its insurer over its "all risks" insurance policy, saying the policy only covered "physical" damage to its restaurants and that while Covid-19 might be devastating, the virus did no harm to the chain's physical assets. Read more.
OK, it's not really a surprise, but WCVB reports Roger Berkowitz is selling his chain to a company called PPX Hospitality Brands, which owns almost all the restaurants with Strega, as well as the Smith and Wollensky chain. Read more.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports the Legal chain has permanently shuttered its Legal Oysteria restaurant in City Square.
Boston Magazine reports Legal Sea Food is talking to the owner of Smith and Wollensky and three Strega restaurants about what Roger Berkowitz calls "an exciting new venture."
Boston Restaurant Talk reports the chain saw no pandemic point in re-opening a restaurant with no patio space and with the collapse of business from nearby hotels and a lease running out in a few months in a building whose owner wants to redevelop the space.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports the demise of the Legal Test Kitchen on Northern Avenue.
Legal Sea Foods and an insurance company that sold it an "all risks" insurance policy on March 1 are now battling in court over whether the insurer has to pay the restaurant chain millions to cover losses from shutting its 34 restaurants due to Covid-19. Read more.
The Boston Business Journal reports that both Legal Sea Foods and Live Nation, which operates the Blue Hills Bank Pavilion, are loudly protesting a cit/state proposal to stick the GE Memorial Heliport on a pier behind the pavilion. They cite noise, which they say would be so severe it would likely drive the pavilion out of business.
Yeah, yeah, Legal Seafood calls Clinton a cold fish, but the chain also remarked on the size of Trump's hands. But it also has a TV ad that goes:
Some candidates want to limit a woman's right to choose. Not Roger Berkowitz. "All I can say is, if you're pro-choice, you'll LOVE how many options we have in our menu."
You can see that ad here (around 0:36).
Legal Sea Foods this week sued DoorDash for offering home delivery of Legal meals even though Legal says it wanted nothing to do with the service - and repeatedly told it to stop doing that. Read more.
Board rules Legal Harborside not to blame for alleged fool who threw himself off roof deck on a dare
The Boston Licensing Board today found "no violation" in the case of a guy who leaped into Boston Harbor from the roof deck of Legal Harborside on Northern Avenue. Read more.
UPDATE: Board rules no violation.
A Brighton man who celebrated his 24th birthday last month by taking a leap into Boston Harbor from the top of Legal Harborside on Northern Avenue got the restaurant hauled before the Boston Licensing Board today to explain how it will keep that from happening again. Read more.
CORRECTED: Application is only for LTK patio.
Legal Test Kitchen, 225 Northern Ave., goes before the Boston Licensing Board next week to seek permission to keep its outdoor patio open until 2 a.m. The restaurant currently has to shut it at 11 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 10 p.m. on Sunday.
Legal Harborside, 270 Northern Ave., meanwhile, hopes to gain permission to keep its patio open until 2 a.m. seven days a week.
The board considers the requests on Wednesday in its eighth-floor hearing room in City Hall. Hearings start at 10 a.m.
Jocelyn noticed a new Help Wanted sign in the window of the erstwhile Olives today.
Todd English's former landlord seeks permission next week to sell the liquor license of his failed Olives in City Square to Roger Berkowitz, who wants to open a Legal C Bar in the space.
In the new ritzy apartment building under construction across from the Ritz, the Herald reports.
Adam Castiglioni reports Legal Seafood will offer tours of its fish processing and testing plant on the South Boston waterfront every Thursday mo
Richard Auffrey partook of Legal Seafood's "banned" dinner last night, explains that he came to trust Legal's Roger Berkowitz on why Legal isn't destroyin
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