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By adamg - 5/16/24 - 9:43 pm
Mushrooms on a tree at Millennium Park

Some bloomin' mushrooms on a tree at Millennium Park along the Charles River this afternoon, after the rain had stopped.

By adamg - 9/18/21 - 11:50 pm
A mushroom

There were a couple of interesting mushrooms yesterday on the path to the canoe launch on the Neponset River at Paul's Bridge on the Milton/Hyde Park line, one looking like it was trying to detect alien radio signals, the other like it had been designed as a piece of folk-art tableware. Read more.

By adamg - 4/23/14 - 3:36 pm

Mel asks:

Where can I buy wild mushrooms locally (not from TJ or Whole Foods)?

By adamg - 7/1/05 - 11:46 pm

The Urban Pantheist surveys the mushrooms of the Riverway:

... This week we've seen mycorrhyzal mushrooms from the Amanita, Bolete, Lactarius and Russula groups appear. Many of them are colorful and beautiful. ...

Click on the link to learn what "mycorrhyzal" means and why that sort of mushroom is normally so rare in the city.

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