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By adamg - 6/21/10 - 11:21 am

Susan Labandibar mourns the loss of a giant willow tree at Columbia Road and Day Boulevard, struck by lightning yesterday:

... It shaded and cooled us, and it was a haven for birds. It gave me a jolt of pleasure every morning I ran by it. I marveled at its gracefully twisting trunk and deeply veined bark and at the grace of its boughs festooned with thousands of strands of willow leaves. ...

And now she wonders why the city is insisting on removing another large tree in Andrew Square:

By adamg - 6/2/10 - 10:00 am

Bolt from the dark blue

iMatthew watched last night as the bolt tried so hard to take out the Pru.

By adamg - 5/29/10 - 7:11 pm

Lightning over Roslindale

By adamg - 7/2/09 - 2:35 pm

Paul Keleher photographed the Medway Community Church after it got struck by lightning this morning. Before photo.

Posted under this Creative Commons license and tagged as universalhub on Flickr.

By adamg - 7/20/08 - 11:09 pm

The Globe reports:

Ten soccer game spectators were injured — four of them critically — in Dorchester today when they sought refuge under a gigantic tree that was struck by lightning during a flash storm

I like how the Globe follows that with:

The victims, all males, had burns consistent with lightning strikes, authorities said.

Because you know how people in Dorchester love to make up stories about getting hit by lightning.

Lightning also knocked out Green Line service between Harvard Avenue and Packard's Corner. In fact, it hit a trolley. Amazingly, nobody hurt.

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