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By adamg - 9/26/09 - 1:04 pm

Eric Kilby reports:

I was given a hard time last night by an inspector at the Haymarket bus platform, as I was trying to get a shot of the Government Center garage. The light was interesting. He said that he was instructed to tell people to get a permit or go away. I told him that there was a memo, but I didn't have a copy, and he said he hadn't heard of it. I thanked him for looking out for our safety and left, because it really wasn't worth the trouble to argue. He said it would be ok if I took like 5 steps back so I was on the public sidewalk and not the MBTA sidewalk (the texture was different), which seems kind of odd.

This comes a couple days after another T worker harassed some poor tourist for daring to take a photo inside Back Bay station.

If the T has suddenly changed its photo policy, you'd think they'd update the online version, no? Oh, wait, this is an agency that's only now updating 40-year-old maps ...

By adamg - 8/11/09 - 9:00 am

Tony tweets:

Just saw an MBTA employee dump the metro paper recycling bin into a trash can at Oak Grove. Why do they pretend to recycle? Ugh.

The T does a better job of recycling old Metros at the inbound platform on the Orange Line at Haymarket: They use bundles of Metros to sop up all the water that keeps draining into the station - and to prop up an orange cone atop the slippery spot the water creates.

By adamg - 7/17/09 - 4:28 pm

This week's Friday-afternoon issue: Disabled Green Line train at Haymarket.

Also heavy delays reported on the bus rapid transit line due to traffic on Washington Street.

By adamg - 4/1/09 - 11:37 am

MullaneyTransit Police report arresting a Quincy man on charges he used a column at the Haymarket Orange Line stop to help pleasure himself last night as a woman watched on in horror from the other side of the tracks.

Police say they were called to the station around 9:45 p.m. after the woman, on the northbound side, allegedly spotted Richard Mullaney, 41, first exposing himself, then using a silver support column on the southbound platform for more than just support:

By adamg - 2/21/09 - 10:01 am

The Globe reports:

The market would be opened in a vacant building that occupies a full city block near Haymarket, an area of old cobblestone alleys where city officials want to create an expansive year-round shopping district with dozens of local growers, bakers, seafood merchants, and other businesses.

Imagine Haymarket open every day and selling stuff fresh from the dock or farm and without, as the Globe says, merchants yelling at people who spend too long staring at tomatoes. In other words, what Quincy Market was originally built to be.

By adamg - 10/24/08 - 12:05 pm

John Keith reports a developer is proposing to build two office buildings atop the Haymarket MBTA station (now occupied by a parking garage) - one 52 stories high, the other 42 stories - and would also throw in several, shorter, residential buildings.

By adamg - 8/31/08 - 10:00 am

After eight years in Boston, G reports on his first shopping expedition to Haymarket and shows off what he got for $18:

... it was packed, but awesome - not only were the bargain prices enough to make you want to take up arms the next time you're poking around the priced-up pallid produce piles at the neighborhood supermarket, but the experience of being amongst the crowd, buying uberfresh yums from the hard-working crew was fabulous - i'd much rather leave my $ there. ...

By adamg - 4/8/08 - 11:30 am

T driver fell ill after noticing powder on dashboard this morning.

By adamg - 10/5/07 - 11:00 am
Mess at Oak Grove

Malden Center this morning, as commuters try to get from the Orange Line to commuter rail, photographed by TC Cheever.

Aren't Friday commutes on the T fun? This morning, thousands of people were forced onto shuttle buses or sidewalks because of a seemingly never-ending series of busted-train problems on the Orange Line.

EnuhCork, who takes the Orange Line in from Malden, reports one conductor told his car the problem was a broken-down work train on the line somewhere between Haymarket and Back Bay:

... One person offered a simple solution in response: "Well, move it," he said.

Maybe it was just that simple. Maybe the T didn't think of that. ...

,According to railroad.net, it was a rail-grinding car that derailed outbound at Chinatown, "taking several ft of 3rd rail down" - which might explain all the other problems if the trains couldn't get enough power or something - and why the T couldn't simply move the thing.

Third Decade came up from the south on the Orange Line and witnessed a mass of Orange Line refugees walking and hobbling toward Science Park on the Green Line from Community College on the Orange Line:

... I felt bad for them considering how so many of them were overdressed for a walk in the warm weather or wearing uncomfortable shoes. It really looked like Charlestown was under attack and was being forcibly evacuated. ...

C. Grace was one of those Orange Line evacuees; she reports on the chaotic scene on the Prison Point Bridge - and on a completely incompetent 911 operator:

... As we walked down the right side of the bridge the sidewalk disappeared, as it was in the middle of massive construction. There were no police or city authorities present. Tons of people were hopping the barricade and running across the traffic When I saw a guy with a stiff artificial leg try to do this, I called 911 to request police crossing guards.

Here's the truly amazing part. The state 911 transfered me to city 911, and the city 911 operator couldn't figure out where I was.

My cell was transmitting from a tower which was apparently in Roxbury. I explained the "nature of the emergency", and explained that I was not in Roxbury.

+"I'm at Community College Station, the Orange Line."

-(witheringly)"M'am, do you know how many thousands of community colleges there are in Boston?"

+There are hundreds not thousands...and far fewer in the CITY juristiction...and there's only one Community College Station. Near Bunker Hill Community College."

-"Where's that?" ...

But wait, it gets even better, because after the 911 operator simply hung up, she found nobody could get into the Science Park station because the crush of people already there resulted in one person fainting, which led to the station being shut down until the ambulance arrived.

TC Cheever reports it took him two hours to get from Oak Grove to Harvard Square:

... Then I get to Malden Center... where the platform was wall to wall commuters. Angry, surly commuters who clearly had been waiting far too long for a train, and were not pleased to see our already-mostly-full train pull up. Angry commuters who had long ago decided to ignore the laws of physics and wanted to all get on THIS TRAIN RIGHT NOW. So the usual pushing and shoving and "Can you people move all the way in?!?" starts up, except that of course we all are already all the way in, and pushing any further means we're only moving away from one door to the other door that also has people pushing in, until finally people can't move any further and we're all nose to nose angry surly commuters who, for the most part, still haven't moved. ...

By adamg - 8/30/07 - 9:09 am

Hondo reports on a fun little incident yesterday morning at Haymarket: A guy scoots through a CharlieGate without paying, under the watchful eye of a T employee, who refuses to call T police even when a paying customer asks him to:

... The other passenger basically lit into the T employee. All he had to do was call it in. But he openly said that he didn't care. ...

By adamg - 7/19/07 - 11:18 am

EnuhCork reports the talk on his Orange Line car this morning was all about some clod who was stepping on people's toes and not apologizing:

... If you do step on someone's toes, and believe me it happens no matter how careful you are...often due to sudden stops...say you're sorry. Look the person right in the eyes and say, "I'm sorry." and then say it again so they know you mean it. ...

By adamg - 6/30/07 - 7:10 pm

Leah reports on a nice day downtown, with the exception of an incident at Haymarket:

... Walking into Haymarket was a bad, bad idea. It was wall to wall people and no way out. We just missed being hit by fruit and vedgies that some angry man was throwing at a vendor. ...

By adamg - 7/1/06 - 9:18 am

Mike woke up early this morning, couldn't get back to sleep, so drove over to Haymarket. He shows us what he got for $25.

By adamg - 8/28/05 - 12:33 am

It's always amazing what's left lying on the ground when Haymarket closes up on Saturday.

By adamg - 7/4/05 - 10:15 am


Remember how disappointed you were when the city removed the bronze garbage in the sidewalk under the Central Artery to make way for the Big Dig? The trash is back! Squashed bronze cabbage and tomatoes, an old copy of the Globe, remains of wood vegetable boxes, all once again lie embedded in the ground - on Hanover Street near (appropriately enough) Haymarket.

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