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New Hampshire

By adamg - 1/5/25 - 12:30 pm

Trying to See Boston From Ridiculously Far Away

A guy who goes by Terrible Ideas is on a quest to find the farthest point from Boston where he can stand and still see the city. In this video, he shows us his four, count 'em, four, treks to the top of Mt. Kearsarge, up past Concord, NH, to see if he can spot our fair Hub. Foiled by an incoming storm and haze, he fails on the first three tries, but finally, he succeeds at sunrise and gets to see, if barely, the taller buildings downtown and in the Back Bay.

H/t Angry Dan.

By adamg - 4/7/24 - 1:20 pm
Traffic on I-93 in New Hampshire

Rob Adams reports northbound traffic on I-93 in New Hampshire earlier today was not too bad until he hit Concord and then, blammo.

By adamg - 10/13/23 - 10:03 am

Kelly Ayotte continues to run against Massachusetts in her campaign to become governor of New Hampshire. Now she's foaming at the mouth about the Massachusetts humane-farming law that bars the sale or shipment of pork products from inhumanely raised pigs. Read more.

By adamg - 7/25/23 - 9:39 am

Somebody who wants to be the next governor of the Granite State declared her candidacy yesterday: Read more.

By adamg - 10/14/20 - 12:25 pm
Lady with a tub

Chopping tub lady in the foreground.

Ah, New Hampshire: The state so small its residents mostly watch Boston TV stations, so we get to see all their political ads. Lately, Jeanne Shaheen has been showing up on our local airwaves almost as much as concerned Ed Davis, walking through some kitchen-type place and pausing to smile beneficently upon some lady with two metal chopper/spatula things and a large metal bowl of, hmm, what is that stuff and what is she doing to it? Read more.

By adamg - 7/31/20 - 10:28 am

WBZ reports the town manager in Conway, NH is complaining about "tourists acting like sailors on shore leave" this summer - and he should know, since he was once a sailor who took shore leave.

By adamg - 7/1/20 - 3:24 pm

Massachusetts Attorney General's office today warned Phantom Fireworks to stop sending Bay Staters ads for fireworks or risk an explosive lawsuit. Read more.

By roadman - 4/24/10 - 12:14 pm

Coming down I-93 south through Windham New Hampshire earlier, I noticed one of the "smart work zone" message boards for the widening work displaying "NO DELAYS TO EXIT 1" / "MASS S/L (means state line) 6 MILES".

But what really caught my attention was that this message board was placed right next to a permanent milepost indicating "South 93 MILE 4.8".

And of course, Murphy won again - this was the morning I left my camera at home.

By adamg - 9/2/09 - 8:07 am

That's the explanation being given by state Rep. Michael Rodrigues, whose car - emblazoned with his House of Representatives plates - a Herald reader photographed at a New Hamphsire state liquor store. Where, of course, they don't charge sales taxes, such as the ones Rodrigues voted to increase.

By adamg - 8/25/09 - 3:02 pm

In New Hampshire, a topless woman walking down the street with a gun strapped to her hip would only be arrested for going topless.

Via Bruce.

By adamg - 3/28/09 - 3:11 pm

Overmatter reports a New Hampshire toll collector (oh, right, New Hampshire doesn't mind tolls on its borders - as long as it's the one collecting the money) accused her of counterfeiting a $5 bill:

... It was New Hampshire, so I wasn't surprised when she didn't smile back, but I was taken aback when she didn't give me my change right away. Instead, she held my bill up to the light in the tollbooth. "This looks awfully thin for a five-dollah bill," she said. ...

What's wrong with New Hampshire that they think anybody would go to the bother of counterfeiting $5 bills?

By adamg - 8/27/08 - 8:57 am

It's all that New Hampshire in his blood! Also, a good reason to move New Hampshire far, far away, so we never have to see their political ads ever again.

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