By adamg - 7/4/18 - 9:50 am

The Dorchester Reporter reports Mark Rooney of South Boston will take on the scion of the Ianella family for the right to represent a good chunk of the eastern side of mainland Boston on the council, which votes on judicial appointments and pardons.

The district includes the state-Senate districts of Nick Collins, Sonia Chang-Diaz, John Keenan, Patrick O’Connor, and Michael Brady.

By adamg - 10/10/14 - 1:31 pm

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that supermarkets cannot shush away signature collectors from their entrances, because they are public spaces where state constitutional rights apply.

By adamg - 7/8/14 - 4:17 pm

Cambridge City Councilor Leland Cheung says it's time to eliminate the governor's council, a holdover from the days when the governor was appointed by the king o

By adamg - 3/27/12 - 3:39 pm

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that the lieutenant governor cannot vote to break Governor's Council ties on judicial nominations unless the governor is also in the room.

By adamg - 3/20/12 - 6:23 pm

David Bernstein breaks the news that Bart Timility is running to replace his sister, Kelly, who died while serving as a governor's councilor in Janua

By adamg - 2/8/12 - 3:01 pm

The Supreme Judicial Court today refused to answer a question from the Governor's Council on whether the council could order people before it for judicial nominations to tell the truth.

By adamg - 5/10/11 - 7:28 am

Red Mass. Group puts it to a vote.

By adamg - 4/27/11 - 7:34 am

David Boeri talks to our newest Governor's Councilor, Charles Cipollini of Fall River, who has no plans to stop voting against every single one of the governor's picks for the judiciary, including

By adamg - 2/11/10 - 12:55 pm

A group of Democrats say long-time Governor's Councilor Kelly Timilty forfeited the right to represent her district when she circulated a bogus, forged endorsement from Deval Patrick two years ago.

Mary-Ann Greanier said she decided to organize a letter and e-mail campaign to urge Timility to step aside after fellow Democrats expressed concern and outrage that Timilty might run again this fall. Greanier is chairwoman of the Democratic Town Committee, although she says her campaign to get Timilty to step down is not a town-committee effort.

By adamg - 2/4/10 - 11:15 pm

Kevin McCrea alerts us that Adam Chandler sorta lookalike Robert Jubinville of Milton is running again for the Governor's Council seat held by Kelly Timilty.

By adamg - 11/24/08 - 10:48 am

PolitickerMA reports Governor's Councilor Kelly Timilty will pay an $8,000 fine for those

By adamg - 9/18/08 - 7:55 am

The name-dropping governor's councilor has done what any Massachusetts pol with a sudden ethics issue would do: She's hired a well connected mouthpiece.

No, not George "Angel of Death" Regan. Even better: Larry Rasky, co-founder of Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, which touts its ability to "aggressively fight to protect the image and reputation of individuals and companies facing unwanted, and often unwarranted, public exposure." Raskey is a confidant of Joe Biden, friend of Sal DiMasi (or, at least, frequent contributor to), in general, a regular Massachusetts fixer (oddly, the Globe refers to Rasky as a spokesman "who said he was representing Timilty," as if there's been a spate of fake spokesmen of late).

It turns out that making up an endorsement from a sitting governor and then forging his signature on it isn't just a memory lapse. It's a potential criminal offense. The statute mentions jail time.

The Globe quotes Rasky expressing remorse for "the terrible error" on behalf of Timilty (who sent out another card that would imply endorsements by Tip O'Neill, Joe Moakley and Ed King, but they're not complaining). However:

Rasky declined to say how it happened or to detail who sent out the 116-word letter and why.

Memo to Globe editors: It wasn't a letter; it was a post card.

Meanwhile, Tom Driscoll explains why Timility should do the honorable thing and just quit.

But why? That would deprive her of her weekly monthly chats with fellow councilor Marilyn "Curling Iron" Devany, who, come to think of it, could probably give Timility some legal tips, should it come to that.

By adamg - 9/16/08 - 4:26 pm

PolitickerMA is reporting that this mailer from incumbent Governor's Councilor Kelly Timilty (my governor's councilor) has a forged endorsement from Gov. Patrick.

Sources close to the governor told that the statement did not come from Patrick and the signature at the bottom of the mailing is forged.

Oh, you mean this signature?


Timilty is running for re-election (remind me again why this job is even elected anymore, somebody?) in District 2 against Robert Jubinville of Milton, about whom I know absolutely nothing except that he's a lawyer and has white hair, which I gleaned from the roughly 47,000 palm cards his campaign has sent to our house over the past few weeks. But at least he didn't forge anybody's endorsement on them.

By anon - 9/14/07 - 11:28 am

In the world of politics in Boston, Massachusetts the name Iannella goes hand in hand. But who is Christopher A. Iannella Jr? I have heard through the great vine that his father Christopher Iannella Sr. was a great man.