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School Street

By adamg - 8/19/16 - 9:58 am

Update: Bail set at $5,000.

Boston Police charge a Needham woman without a driver's license ran a red light and plowed into a group of pedestrians, sending three to the hospital - after good Samaritans lifted the woman's car off them. Read more.

By adamg - 8/18/16 - 12:31 pm
Crash at School and Washington streets in downtown Boston

School and Washington. Photo by Mark Novak.

UPDATE: Driver faces charges.

A driver from Needham in a New Jersey car hit at least three pedestrians around noon at School and Washington streets downtown, then got out of her car and ran away.

WalkBoston reports that one of the first people at the scene was a man dressed as a Minuteman, who opened the car's driver-side door - only to see the woman driver bound away. When police arrived, he pointed out her direction of flight. Read more.

By adamg - 8/17/16 - 9:09 pm

Boston Police report officers investigating a call about an unconscious man in the yard of the Oliver Wendell Holmes on School Street around 6 this morning found a sleeping man with a gun tucked under one arm. Read more.

By adamg - 5/19/16 - 7:01 am
Workers moving Ben Franklin for repairs

This morning, Paul Nutting watched workers move Ben Franklin from the sidewalk he plunged to the other day outside Old City Hall to a truck that would whisk him away for some repairs. Read more.

By adamg - 5/16/16 - 1:02 pm

Boston Reddit reports on the demise of the statue of Ben Franklin in front of Old City Hall during yesterday's winds.

By adamg - 4/14/16 - 10:06 pm

NorthEast Fire Alert reports a mattress caught on fire on the fourth floor of the Omni Parker House on School Street shortly after 9:30 p.m. Sprinklers mostly doused the blaze; but firefighters ran a hose up there just in case.

By adamg - 1/12/16 - 5:43 pm
Investigation at School and Tremont streets

Tremont still shut for investigation at 7:10 p.m. Photo by La Bibliotequetress.

Anthony J. reports a pedestrian was hit around 5:15 p.m. in a multi-car crash. The pedestrian and one driver were taken to local hospitals, one in bad shape.

Our own La Bibliotequetress reports what happened: Read more.

By adamg - 9/9/15 - 1:32 pm
Lizard in downtown Boston

Graham Shepherd reports he was walking on School Street this morning when he tripped over "this huge LIZARD."

He reports Animal Control came by not long after to scoop the lizard up. No word on what the lizard was doing on School Street, but maybe the poor thing was trying to escape because it finally grew tired of its owner calling it Stumpy.

By adamg - 6/1/15 - 7:11 pm

Boston city archaelogist Joseph Bagley this week is scheduled to begin archaeological digs in front of Old City Hall on School Street - not in search of Curley's Desk, but in search of tidbits left over from the days when the land was the home of both Boston Latin School and Boston Latin School's schoolmaster.

Bagley will lead volunteers in digging a number of 16x1.5-foot test trenches in an attempt to find the foundations and yards of the schoolmaster's 17th-century home. In a statement, Bagley said: Read more.

By adamg - 1/2/15 - 4:05 pm

A steamed citizen calls into the Mayor's Hotline:

Caller reporting there is a solid covered manhole in the street on Tremont St at School, in front of church, with extremely hot steam coming out. The steam burned her foot and she is concerned for people's safety.

By adamg - 9/8/14 - 12:10 pm
Big truck on small downtown street in Boston

Ellie happened to be well clear of the intersection of School and Washington streets this morning when an 18-wheeler that had somehow gotten on School Street tried to turn onto Washington, without much success.

Perhaps the driver once tried to get into the Midvale School for the Gifted.

By adamg - 5/2/14 - 10:50 am
Trash on School Street in Boston

Andy Primeau photographed the garbage bags in front of the School Street Radio Shack this morning. Probably just contains the remains of a recent cleanup rather than thousands of spoiled capacitors found in the basement, but you never know.

By adamg - 10/6/08 - 9:09 am

Cleary Squared goes to the new Staples in Roslindale Square, reports that if it wants to retain any customers on the weekends, it's going to have to instill some pride in the sullen, put-upon teens apparently running the place on Saturdays and Sundays.

Dan Miller reports he only goes to the School Street Starbucks because he needs his morning coffee, not because he enjoys "being held hostage by the designated drink maker, who thinks he's Tom Cruise in 'Cocktail.'"

By adamg - 9/27/08 - 2:17 pm

Boston Police report Downtown Crossing traffic came to a complete standstill around 1:30 yesterday afternoon due to a man walking down School Street with no clothes on.

An officer quickly determined the man met the current Massachusetts guidelines for arrest by noticing the "shock and alarm" on the faces of bystanders, who, police say, did not expect to see a nudie boy "at this time of day."

The officer walked in the direction that he was pointed in and observed the suspect walking on the sidewalk on School St. toward Tremont St. completely naked and waving his arms as onlookers stared in amazement.

The officer approached the suspect and attempted to place him under arrest when he became combative and struggled with the officer before he was placed in handcuffs. During the entire incident, traffic was in gridlock and there were hundreds of people who witnessed the suspect and his actions.

Aaron Boutte, 28, of Revere, was charged with open and gross lewdness.

Man charged with two bareback break-ins.
Woman charged with swimming nude at Revere Beach.

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